Chapter 14

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"Waverly baby.. Get up."


"Baby we have to go.. We're going to be late."

"Then let's be late.. Come lay down with me."

"You have to go to the doctor.. Now come on."

"I'm tired.. Reschedule please." I say smiling at her.

"You can either get up on your own.. Or I'll pick you up."

"You wouldn't."

"(Laughs) Okay." She says pulling the covers off of me.

"Damn.. Okay.. Fine."

"See that wasn't so hard."

"Yeah.. Whatever."

Moments later

"You ready beautiful?" Nicole asks me.


"Let's go." She takes my hand and lead me to the car.


"Waverly Earp?" The nurse calls my name.

"That's us." I tell Nicole.

"Oh you can stay here.. If you want." She tells Nicole.

"No thank you.. I'm going with her."

"Okay but.."

"No buts.. Let's go.. Please." Nicole responds.

"It's okay.. I want her in there with me.."

"Okay Waverly so your baby is doing great. Everything looks normal and you should be ready to pop sooner than you think."

"Our baby." Nicole says.

"Yes.. Your baby." The lady says.

"So sex didn't hurt the baby?" Nicole asks.

"Oh my god.. Nicole?" I whisper.

"What? I want to know."

"(Laughs) No your baby is fine."

"See baby.. I told you that the baby was okay."

"Yeah.. Whatever."

"Have the two of you been sexually active.. Lately I mean?"

"Yes.. We have." I say.

"Oh.. I see.."

"See what?" Nicole asks.

"Why you would ask me that?"

"Okay sooooo.. What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. I'll see you two on your next appointment.."

"Wait a second why did you just..."

"Nicole.. It's time to go."

"But she just.."

"Baby.. Now." I say and looks at me and walks out the door.

"Thank you doctor." I say.

"Don't thank her after she just did that to us."

"Did what?"

"Nothing.. I'm taking you home and I'm heading to work." She demands and we walk to the car.

"You're sexy when you get upset."

"Stop trying to seduce me and I'm not upset."

"You're upset and I notice that you've been horny lately."

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