Chapter 3

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The Next Day

Knock Knock

"Come in." I say.

"Hi." Nicole says when she walks through the door.


"How are you?"


"Oh yeah? Why is that?"

"You know why?"

"As I recall, I just got here.. How could I know what's wrong with you?"

"You know what you did."

"What did I do?" She asks with a smile as she walls toward the bed.

"Don't come any closer." I say.

"You want me to go?"

"Yes.. I mean no."

"Yes or no baby?"


"You sure?"


"You okay?"

"Yeah why? Are you okay?"

"You're gripping the sheets.. And it's bothering me."

"Oh I.. Nothing."

"Someone's turned on." She whispers.

"Stop it."

"I'm not doing anything." She says looking down at me.

"Yes.. You.. Are."

"And what might that be." She says against my lips.

"(Gasps) That."

"You were wet before I came anywhere near your mouth.. Now tell me.. What is it that I'm doing.. That gets you so wet when I walk in the room?"

"(Deep swallow) I can ugh.. Your gun.. I can feel it against my thigh."

"That's not my gun baby." She whispers.

"What is it?"

"I think I should leave."

"Fuck no.. Not this time."

"You going to stop me or something?"


"I would like to see you try it."

"I can you know."

"What can you do to make me stay?"

"Give me your hand." I say.


"Give me your hand and find out." I say and she gives it to me.

"Careful where you put it." She says with a smile.

"Shut up and make me cum." I say and push her hand in my panties.

"(Gasps) Fuck! You're so wet." She whispers.

"That's what you do to me."

"I shouldn't do this." She says removing her hand but I stop her.

"No.. I.. I want you to."

"Okay.. But I warned you."

"Warned me about.. (Gasps) (Moans)." The way she moves her fingers in side of me is amazing..

"I've missed you.. Everything about you.. Your body.. Your mouth." She whispers then kisses me.

"(Moans) You're good at this."

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