Style, Kenny's fears, And the McCormicks

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Kenny's pov

I would feel bad for the people that have it really bad, but I can't. I have learned the hard way that emotions only get you killed. Hell, me hanging out with my only three friends (more like two since fat ass doesn't count) kills me almost every single day. I don't think I could handle it happening in reverse and losing one of them, besides fatass he could die on the spot and no one would feel bad except Wendy might shed a single tear before going off to hang with either token or to go break Stan's heart again. If Stan wasn't so caught up in her web he might actually notice how much Kyle is suffering. Kyle tries to warn Stan every time with nothing but concern for his super best friend.

I usually break people's hearts by fucking and dumping, but that bitch screws with emotions until you've been used to complete and utter exhaustion and then she leaves you there in the ditch. I have never been that bad. I have felt just like everything else, I am just much better at hiding them. I think my worst fear is dying of old age. Because I don't know whether I will just die or wake up and die again. Over and over again. I think It would be horrible sitting in my bed unable to move because of my back or some shit and just wait to die. Only to wake up and do it again. That sounds like hell. Maybe that was what I was going to go through. Maybe I that was my punishment for being able to break the laws of philosophy.

I was about to leave the house when my sister Karen ran up behind me. "Mommy and Daddy are at it again! Please don't leave!" I pull down my coat so she can see my face and give her a warm smile. "Don't worry sweetheart. Remember what we went over. Stay in your room with the door locked and don't come downstairs until you hear both cars pull out of the driveway. Okay?"I told my sister this plan once I worked out how the cycle of my parents works. They both go at it after breakfast and argue with physical abuse often involved, afterward they sit and talk. Then they both leave to separate bars and don't come back until the next day where the cycle repeats.

She nodded and ran upstairs to her room. I scowled before pulling up my orange parka, plastering a fake smile on my face.

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