Cartman's here to ruin everything!

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Eric's pov

They thought they would get away with killing themselves to hide their Identities? Fuck no! I wouldn't let them do it in a million years. Reason one being as much as I hate to admit it I rely on these idiots a lot. Even if General Disarray was alive they obviously didn't trust me they were smarter and meaner than Professor Chaos. Reason two was that THEY KNEW MYSTERIONS IDENTITY! I had been trying to kill that guy since forever. It's ridiculous how good he was at hiding his identity, and somehow he seemed incredibly hard to kill. I was on of the very few people who took this whole superhero thing seriously. I was after all the person who started it. No one was interested in me though because that bastard had copied me. He revealed his face only once and ended up being Kyle but not long after he was put in jail Mysterion showed up again and they let Kyle go.

Years later other supers heroes popped up like ToolShed and Humankyte. They all thought this was a game. They were all beyond wrong. I would discover all of their Identities, kill them and then rise as the greatest villain known to man

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