Mortal Kombat

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Butters pov

Kenny motioned for me to follow him and we began walking towards his house in silence. It wasn't awkward, but I was petrified. I pulled out my phone and checked the time to see that in a couple, about two hours, General disarray would pull a gun out in the bank down the street and take hostages. I tried to calm myself down so I didn't blow my cover. When we arrived at his house both of his parent's cars were gone. "My parents are out drinking." He said I nodded silently following him up to his room. This was the first time I was in his house but he had talked about his sister to his friends before. "Where's your sister?" I asked. "She usually goes to a friends house after my parents leave. Anyways what character in the game are you going to use. Als we're definitely playing against each other." He said looking back at me and smirking. I was about to ask him an important question when he put his hand up. "Only speak if you're going to answer my question first." He said smiling brightly. ", I'll be Scorpion!" I said excitedly. "Okay, now you may ask away, fine sir." He said laughing at my newfound excitement. "Umm... Do you always wear your hood at your house?" I questioned. He just nodded his head. Damn, I couldn't tell if he was lying or not because he was facing the other direction as he led me into his room. "Okay then... What character are you going to be?" I questioned shyly. "Hmm, I want to be Noob." He said in deep thought

We sat down and picked out our characters. He shot at my character right away, but I narrowly escaped. We fought often until the time was up and we got an exact draw or a small win. We were both absolutely amazing. "Nice skills." He commented during one of our battles. Trying to distract me with your heavenly muffled voice are you, well that won't work! I remember thinking before I responded. "Yeah, I don't get out much." I lied concentration still on the game. "You Have some great moves as well, fella," I responded sticking my tongue out the side of my mouth in concentration.

He immediately lost after that. I looked over at him in confusion to see his face was bright red and his eyes were trained on my face. "S-Soo CUTE!" He shouted before jumping onto me and pulling me into a hug. I was shocked and I felt a hot blush crawl onto my cheeks. "Wh-what h-happened ken?!" My crush was hugging me. Kenny never hugged people or stuttered! "W-Were you drugged! I swear to god I'll get them!" I called out anger building in me. Then the unimaginable happened. Kenny laughed. It was soft and happy. It was warm against my ear. It was like when you hear your new favorite song for the first time. My chest was so warm I thought I could cook a cake. I had melted into the hug, still not hugging back, after hearing his laugh. My head slumped onto his shoulder. "Beautiful," I whispered blissfully into his shoulder. I swear to god his laugh could cure cancer. "What did you say?" He asked wiping a tear from his eye and still giggling. "Don't worry about it, Ken," I said softly into his shoulder before pulling him back into the hug he had briefly broken to wipe his tears. I was incredibly happy until I felt my phone buzz.

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