Butters wants to hang out

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Kenny's pov

  I hadn't realized I was in class already do to my daze. The teacher had just called on me. Mr. garrison who had become president returned to teaching as a side job. "Kenny, you need to stop dozing off or mister hat will... You don't wanna know what." Mr. Garrison said looking into space with a look of terror on his face. I heard the bell ring and left before I could find out what I "don't wanna know" as he had stated. Butters walked up to me in the hall and pulled me to the side. "H-Hey Cartman asked me to meet him outside the school. C-Could y-you be a pal, and save me. We could hang out and play mortal combat at your house or something else, or we could just pretend. As long as I have an escape from Eric." He looked down and had a small blush on his face as he nervously knocked his knuckles together. I had to resist the urge to blush myself at his cute quirks. A smile climbed so high on my face I sure he saw it through my parka. "Sure!" I said throwing my arm over his shoulder and leading the blushing mess to our next class which we had together. I know I said I wouldn't let it interfere with my after school life but how much trouble could Southpark be if I took one night off? I mean maybe the other heroes like mint-berry crunch will take over for a single night. Mint berry crunch was the only other hero with powers besides me, but I personally thought their power was stupid. It did save south park once though. Everyone forgot about that happening shortly after though. I didn't even have to die for them to forget they just did on their own. The people of this town are stupid, and maybe they are rubbing off on me just a little because I had no idea how much trouble south park could get in within a couple of hours.  

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