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Butters pov

I was literally counting the seconds until I would be able to play mortal combat with my crush. I decided on Mortal combat because that was where I had learned someone my fighting tactics I studied how the kicked and punched. I had become pretty good at hand to hand combat because of that game. I could probably kill someone at this point although I have never done it before. Finally, after school, I met Kenny at his locker. I don't think he knew but I could always read his emotions. Unlike most people, I don't read emotions by the facial expression they make. I have always faked a smile so anyone could. I learned how to read eyes so I could always tell when Kenny was actually smiling and when he was faking it. He gave me a genuine smile when I arrived at his locker. I smiled back feeling slightly guilty for using him. I need to know though. I would have to kill him!

When we were about to leave we ran into Cartman. Shit! I wasn't lying when I said Cartman wanted to blackmail me that really was going to happen. I thought it was convenient because even though I was a villain with a secret identity I was super bad at lying. I subconsciously hid behind Kenny clingy to his parka. He smiled down at me before turning to Cartman who was walking our way and scowled at him. Cartman smirked and I guessed what was going to happen next. Oh shit! He's gonna snitch to Kenny that I was stalking him! I ran out in front of Kenny grabbing his wrist and using the strength I usually only used as Professor Chaos. It was dangerous to show Kenny I wasn't the weak boy I always claimed to be, especially if he ends up being Mysterion. "Woah! Butters? When did you get so strong and fast?" He questioned pretending to be struggling to keep up.I could tell he was pretending because his breaths were steady and his steps were coordinated. Damn, he really could be Mysterion if he was this good at coordination.

"I have been getting better at running during gym and my adrenaline is pumping like crazy!" I shouted back although I could probably say it at normal volume. I wanted to seem legit. I was feigning exhaustion when we had lost Cartman. I fell on the ground panting and trying to make my face flush. It was fairly easy considering a super hot Kenny was right in front of me. I acted like I wasn't suspicious of him being Mysterion and shot him a questioning glance. "S-Since when did you get so good at running?" I panted out. Using the best-tired voice I could muster up. He suddenly went pale. Did I really catch him this easy? No way! Color returned to his face with a smirk from under his parka which I assumed he thought I couldn't see. then he faked a look of innocence and sadness. I had to resist the urge to smirk myself because he thought I would believe his excuse. "You see my parents fight all the time and sometimes they get pretty aggressive. Sometimes I and my sister have to make a break for it. We need to keep fit."

I barely had to fake guilt. He wasn't lying entirely you could see it in his eyes. He was trying to use the truth as a cover. It made me really sad. I was also feeling angry at his parents they have been smoking, drinking, and abusing Kenny since he was young. "I'm sorry You had to tell me that fella," I said quietly looking the ground. He gave me a bright smile under his parka, but I could tell it was fake. I knocked my knuckles debating on whether to tell him I knew he was faking or not. I decided against it. "It's, okay come on let's go play some Mortal Kombat in my room. Did you bring your Xbox and the game? I don't own either." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled lightly. "Yes, I packed both in my bag," I said to reassure him. I also brought my costume. I added mentally.

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