Chapter 3

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S: But, do you know what everyone else called her? Let me show you.

Shivaye and Annika takes him to the living room and turns on the television.

BREAKING NEWS: Omkara Singh Oberoi just had his live art exhibition and people were wondering who this girl is in his art. It turned out that she is actually this girl (Showing a photo of her at the exhibition) Even though the Shivaye Singh Oberoi introduced this girl as Omkara's wife, it has not been issued by the man himself, Omkara Singh Oberoi. Our sources are saying that this girl has been living with him as his mistress for the past 8 months.

Om quickly takes the vase beside him and breaks the television.

O(Screaming): THEY CALLED HER A MISTRESS! YOU BLOODY B*****DS! First they insulted her for not speaking English and now this.

S: There is nothing wrong with what they said, Om.

Om looks at Shivaye with his red eyes, mad and ready to burst.

S: You gave them the opportunity and they just twisted it to their liking. All she ever wanted was to protect you and be by your side but in return because of your commitment phobia, she was called as a mistress.

O: I never knew it will turn out like this. I should have just introduced her as my...

S: After all this happened, you still cannot accept her as your wife right? It is fine because I realized that you will have this problem. So, before she left, she signed the divorce papers.

O: Divorce Papers? How can she sign it?

S: Yes, I made her sign it so she can be free from you. Before, we played cupid because we thought she was good partner for you, but now when we think about it, in trying to help you, we ruined her life. She may have been a good match for you but you are not a good match for her.

O: I am not... a good match for her. But, all this is a lie. Even she knows that. I never treated her as my mistress. I never even touched her with that disgusting intention.

A: Om, you do not realize something. The only thing that Gauri values in her lift is her self-respect. And, today everyone including you broke it. She just could not take it anymore.

O: Gauri.. I am so sorry.

S: Throw your sorry in the thrash, OM. There is no point of saying sorry. You had multiple chances to talk to her and you never did.

O: What can I do now, Shivaye? Help me.

S: Just do not do anything. I am so mad at you, Om. Do you know Gauri felt when she saw this? I saw it with my very own eyes. She kneeled down and held her face in shame. Her tears were running like a river. She was begging the family to let her leave and I made the final decision and told her to leave.

A: Om, please do not mistaken me but as a girl, I need to say this. You were mad at Gauri and did not believe what she said in the past because of her relationship with Kali. From what I know, Kali physically tortured her but, you... you mentally tortured her. You ripped the life out of that girl.

O: At least, tell me where she is? I will talk to her.

S: No.

It is pretty obvious that this is not going to happen as Shivaye and Om will never go against each other. So have fun reading the rest of the story when I post it.

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