Chapter 10

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Dandi's phone rings and he picks it up.

O: Dandi, this is Om. I need to talk to you. Gauri left me and I need to know where she is.

D: What do you mean she left Om? I told you that she is innocent. Why are you playing games with her life?

Om tells him everything that happens.

D: Oh... so this is all a major misunderstanding. That is why she is not saying anything to me.

O: Gauri is here??

D: Yes and she is broken. She has not eaten anything and she is in depression. I do not what to do.

O: Can I ask you a favour?

D: Om, tell me what you need.

O: Can I stay in your house for a while? I need some time to talk to her and clear everything out. She will not come to my house so I will come to yours.

D: But, Om... this is a small house...

O: I will pay you rent

D: Om, money is not the problem. We both care about Gauri, it is just that this house is not the Oberoi mansion.

O: I never cared about all these luxuries. I was born with it but I was never dependent on it. Dandi, I enjoy the common life. Travelling on a train, wearing normal clothes, not the suits Shivaye wears. This is not a problem for me at all. So, I will be there in an hour or so.

D: Sure. I will set up a room for you.

O: Don't. Gauri is smart and she will think that you are helping me. Then, she will just leave and that will be a huge problem for us. Also, one more thing...

D: Yes, Om

O: Can you get her something to eat? She is very stubborn sometimes so use that to your advantage.

D: Om, she is my friend. I will take care of her.

O(Thinking): Gauri should not know the truth behind the reason why I left.

Om with all his bags packed come downstairs. Shivaye and Rudra follow him.

D: Where are you going?

S: He is leaving us.

D:What? Why?

O: I found Gauri but I know that she will never come back here. I need to go back where she is and persuade her to come back. This is the only way to apologize to her.

D: Good decision but why are you taking your bags? Visit her daily and come back home.

O: Dadi... I will not be coming back home until Gauri comes back. I want her to trust me as her friend and this is the only way.

He turns to Shivaye and Rudra.

O: I am going to lie to Gauri that you guys kicked me out of this house. Gauri should never know the truth. Please, Shivaye and Rudra, I want you to promise on our brotherly relationship.

S: For your happiness, we can temporarily make this sacrifice.

Om puts his hand out and Rudra and Shivaye makes the promise.)

R (Still holding each other's hands): But, in return, you should make a promise.

O: What, Rudra?

R: Next time you come inside this house, Chulbul Bhabhi and you should come inside holding hands.

O: For sure, Rudra. I will bring Gauri back.

Om leaves the house.

R: I do not think he understood what I meant. I meant that they should come back as husband and wife.

S: Only time can tell.

Flashback ends. 

Gauri in her room:

G(Thinking): So, now that Om has decided that I am his friend, I will just be his friend. He will find someone in his life and as soon as that happens, I will slowly disappear from his so at least he can be happy.

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