Chapter 16

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Gauri and Dandi were sitting, watching TV and Om enters the house with papers in his hand. Seeing Om, Gauri gets up and heads toward her room.

O: Gauri, wait, we need to talk.

Dandi gets up and goes to the kitchen to give them some privacy.

O: You too, Dandi. I need to talk to both of you and for this to go smoothly, I need both of your help. I have decided that Gauri is going to go English classes and grooming classes.

G: What, me, learn English and grooming classes? What is that?

O: Grooming is when you learn the etiquettes. How you talk to people, how you are suppose to eat and all that stuff.

G: What is the point? Why does a girl from Bareilly need English and grooming classes?

O: A girl from Bareilly might not need it but Omkara's friend does.

Gauri looks up at him and smile.

G: I cannot embarrass myself again. Please leave me alone.

O: Wow, Gauri. You have changed so much. The girl from Bareilly can take down anyone in her sight. She escaped from Kali several times, cornered females that threatened her loves one and bought back together a couple that everyone gave up on. But, my friend, she is running away just cause so educated fools made fun of her. My friend should definitely learn from the Bareilly girl.

G: What do you want? I am already very hurt. I just want to stay in this house for a while and then later get a job once I forgot everthing.

O(Thinking):This is not going to work. I need to challenge her.

O: Stay in this house like a coward and constantly cry. I cannot believe you are so scared.

G: I am not scared and I do not cry all the time. I just want some peace.

O: I am not asking you to change your personality but the way you act within society. Gauri, by taking these classes, you are showing that village people are equal to the city people and should not be underestimated. Please Gauri... please listen to me. They insulted you, my friend and I need to show them who you are. This is the only way we can solve this problem.

G(Thinking): If I take these classes, then he feel less embarrassed to be around me. Also, he is going to stay here and constantly pester me. In the end, I know I will give in. Might as well accept now so I do not need to put it with his pestering.

G: Fine, I will take the classes. When do I start?

O: So, Gauri, I have created a schedule for you. You will start off with the English classes in the mornings and then in the afternoon, you will go to the grooming classes and then night, English tuition with me.

G: What? Tuition with you?? Why?

O: School will teach you only a little but you need practice so you can use me. I will drop you and pick you up from the English class.

G: I can go to the grooming class by myself. I do not want to bother you.

O (Smiling): You were never bothering me as I whole heartedly helped you. Gauri next time if you want me to do something, just ask me. After all, I am your friend and if a friend cannot even do this, then there is no point of this friendship.

Gauri instantly look him in tears as this is what she said in the kitchen. Om continues to smile.

O: Gauri, the grooming classes are going to happen here. (Pointing at the living room)

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