Chapter 12

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So this part will be similar to the show but again small changes to it.

Om heads out of his room and sees Dandi watching television.

O: I need to talk to Gauri, where is she?

D: In her room (Pointing to the door that was closed but now fully closed.)

Om walks towards it and knocks but she does not respond.

O: Gauri??

But, still no response.

He slowly opens the door and sees something that broke his heart. Gauri was standing in front of the mirror, staring at herself. Her grey tears and smudged kohl said it all. Gauri was taking off her bangles without realizing that she was dropping it all on the floor. As it fell on the floor, they shattered into pieces.

O(Thinking): These bangles reflect their current emotions, broken.

O: Gau...ri

Gauri slowly looks at him and then back at the mirror.

O: Gauri, can you please say something to me?

Gauri looks at him, wipes her tears and then steps towards him. On the way, she stepped over the glass bangles. Om runs up to her and holds her.

O: Gauri, you have to be more careful. You just stepped on the glass bangles.

G: Well, I know that I am not hurt so do not worry.

O: But, I should though... what if something...

Gauri sticks her hand out asking him to stop.

G: Please stop caring about me. I do not care about anything. I just need time to think. At least, give me that.

Gauri walks away. Om walks towards the dressing table, bends towards the broken bangles. He picks it up, one by one.

O(Thinking): What have I done? (His tears hitting the floor) These bangles used to add some much beauty to her. And, now she is just a broken soul.

Rikara HeartbrokenWhere stories live. Discover now