Prologue: The Lady

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The more you act like a lady, the more he'll act like a gentleman.

-Sydney BiddleBarrows

Lucia Salazar's POV

I walked briskly in the streets of Paris. I looked at my back for a moment thinking that somebody was following me silently and pair of eyes was fixed on me. I took a deep breath as I pull my coat more tightly around my body.

I was being paranoid here, I concluded with a silent groan. No one is looking at you, for heaven's sake Lucia! This was all because of those creepy admiration letters I anonymously received for the past six months. At first, I just ignore them but lately...

Finally, I arrived at my apartment. Once I opened the door I immediately lock it with the extra locks I added to my door. Call me suspicious but I am not taking my chances. I sighed deeply when I saw the same letters from my mailbox. I immediately threw them into the bin without opening them. My gloomy mood brightened instantly when I saw a feline cat coming out of the kitchen.

I kneeled to scoop the ball of fur in my hands. "Miss me, Prada?"

"Meow," Was I got from her. I was about to bond with my cat on the sofa when I notice that I have several voiced messages. I bet that those messages all came from my over-worrying brother. I was about to ignore them but curiosity got me I've been dodging him for almost six months now so I pressed the play button and my brother's voice floated in the silent apartment.

"Lucia..." His voice sounded irritated. I smiled silently, sitting on the sofa. "...we need to talk this is a serious matter. Why aren't you answering my calls? Call me immediately when you hear this." Another voiced mail from him sounded again. "Lucia! Aren't you home yet? We need to talk about your safety in Paris you have a stalker why are you sending away the bodyguards I've hired for you?"

I was done listening to his rant and just play with Prada. Lucia this, Lucia that. Seriously, I have heard all his threats over this past six months. I wasn't in the mood to start another round of long tiring conversations with him. When his messages were done silence filled the room again.

A few minutes later, the phone sounded again. I didn't bother to answer since it will automatically be put on voice mail, thinking that I was just Leandro I was surprised when I heard his wife's voice.

"Lucia?" My sister-in-law sounded on the speaker. "I didn't mean to butt in but your brother is forcing me to call you..." My eyebrows rose upward. Leandro is forcing Leila? As far as everyone is concerned no one can force Leila Salazar to do what she doesn't want to do. She cannot convince me to her drama. "...he's very much worried about your safety that's why he's hiring a bodyguard for your protection. The poor soul, imagine the dark circle under his eyes lately."

I shook my head in disbelief. My sister-in-law was one heck of an actress I won't fall her tricks again. "I know that the one he kept on hiring doesn't look trustworthy or good-looking." She added. "But believed me they are the best on the business. But if you want trustworthy and good looking I can ask Leandro to hire..."

My heart in my chest, I didn't even think twice when I pick up the receiver. "You are not going to ask Leandro to hire him again, don't you? He already leaves my brother's employment twelve months ago for reasons he only knows."

I silently cursed myself. I sounded bitter. But I cursed myself, even more, when I heard Leila's accusing tone. "Lucia? My goodness! You are at home? Why are you ignoring our calls? More importantly, why are you letting me do this monologue while you are listening? I nearly became friends with your answering machine."

"I'm sorry..." I muttered, feeling remorseful to her accusations. "...sorry for avoiding you lately, I told you before I can take good care of myself I don't need protection. And don't you dare to ask Leandro to hire him again."

"Who are you talking about?" Leila asked innocently on the other line.

"Diego," I answered immediately, my eyes narrow while my heart is galloping. "You are planning to hire him again, right?"

I scowled when I thought I heard her laugh but she coughed straight away. "Diego?" She inquired naively as if she heard of that name but was not sure where. "I am not talking about him, dear Lucia. I am talking about my cousin Enzo."

I could feel heat went up to my cheeks. Why did I just assume right away that she was talking about my brother's ex-bodyguard? "Oh, right...Enzo."

"Now that you mention that handsome fellow, I think he's perfect for the job," Leila said cheerfully. "Leandro will not need to worry since you know each other already. And you are quite fond of him."

"I'm not fond of him," I responded heatedly, ignoring the purring cat in my feet. "In fact, I hated him! I hate his face, his guts, and everything about him."

"What a poor guy," My sister-in-law lamented on the other line. "What the poor guy did to deserve your hatred?"

"Nothing," I answered back, fighting off the images of the man in question inside my head. You are not going to think of him again, Lucia. You can do this. I instructed myself. "I just hated him from the start."

"He's a charming man when he is not kissing the maids in the dark at the estate," Leila commented with deviltry in her voice. There she goes again baiting me with her not-so-innocent jabs. But I know better to fall for this so I would play with her.

"Is he?" I asked, trying to sound not interested. But in truth, I shifted in my position because of this uncomfortable topic of Diego kissing another woman.

My devilish sister-in-law inserted smoothly. "Maybe because the lady he truly wants is off-limits to him, don't you think, Lucy?"

I shook my head, ignoring the wild beating of my heart. I could swear Leila can hear it from the other line. "I don't know and I don't particularly care."

I heard her sigh under her breath and muttered something I didn't catch. "All right, enough of that strapping handsome man. It seems that you really hate him. You are coming to Sicily for Rafe and Coco's wedding, right?"


"Please expect your teary-eyed reunion between you and your brother," Leila said merrily. "He will not going to let you off the hook easily, he will shove bodyguards as many as he can under your nose if that makes you safe now you are living away from his sight."

It was my turn to sigh. I know why Leandro is overprotective of me since our eldest brother's death. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to let him hire a bodyguard for me. If this would make him at ease. "I know, Leila. Please tell Leandro that I will now accept this protection thing as long as it is not him."

"Thank you, dear. You will make your brother happy about this news. Tell him personally when you see him next week at the wedding. Ciao."

I was left staring at the phone in my hand. I have a feeling that I am in for a rollercoaster ride next week for Rafe and Coco's wedding.

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