Chapter 5: The Dinner Date

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Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.

-Benjamin Franklin

Diego Suarez's POV    

"Well, this is a bit awkward, don't you think?" I removed my eyes from the fancy menu in my hand and looked at the French man who just spoke, breaking the silence from the quiet table.

I smiled thinly in his direction. Finally, have the chance to save me from ordering from the ridiculously pricey menu and equally absurd names for food. "Are you uncomfortable, Señor?"

He shook his head and gave a sanguine smile in my direction. There was something about him that I don't like. "Not really, but I have to admit that this is probably the first time I have to dine with a woman with her bodyguard if I have to be honest." He looked briefly in my direction. "No offense."

"None taken." I shot back, glancing at the woman sitting at the table with us. She remained silent since we arrived—not that I blame her. She might appear to be silent and collected with the whole ridiculous situation but I know deep inside she is fumingly mad probably directed at me. She still hasn't fully accepted me yet as her new bodyguard.

"Shall we order?" The Frenchman asked, breaking the silence at our dinner table. He gestured to call the attention of the waiter and wait for Lucia to order before placing his order when it was my time to order I just randomly selected the first thing I saw on the menu. The Frenchman didn't hesitate to show off his wealth when he ordered a bottle of the most expensive wine in the restaurant for an exorbitant price.

When the waiter left us, my eyes narrowed when the milksop Frenchman smiled adoringly to Lucia. "You look beautiful tonight, Mademoiselle."

I prevented myself from scoffing. What a charmer, I thought silently. If he thought that he could get Lucia Salazar using such a charismatic demeanor I would be happy to inform him it would just fall naught.

"Thank you." I looked fascinatingly at the woman in question as she replied demurely. When she caught me watching her beguilingly she threw me her sharpest look. I hid my smile as I thought she was still smarting that I tag along with their dinner date. I silently smile at the thought. She's still the Lucia that I knew before the young señorita that hated her brother's bodyguard from the first moment they met.

" long did you work for the Conde again?" The Frenchman dragged me out of my reverie. He forced me to remove my eyes from the woman sitting in front of me.

I felt my lips twitching with a smile. "Five years. I remember I was twenty when I first met the Conde and hired me to be his bodyguard."

His eyebrows shot upwards. "Quite long. Now I understand why he trusted you so much in taking good care of his younger sister."

I shrugged indifferently. "Maybe."

"I am sure you guys get along so well." He commented innocently, placing the white napkin in his lap. "You seemed very close with one another."

"Yes," Lucia answered.

"Nope," I said at the same time. Her eyes shot like daggers in my direction I just threw a goading smile at her. "Quite the opposite to tell you honestly, she couldn't stand the sight of me. In fact, the moment I step foot in their palace I was already labeled as an enemy."

I watched the pink stains spread through her cheeks. "I beg to disagree. If I remember correctly the moment you arrived, you labeled me as the annoying spoiled little sister of your employer. You never let the opportunity pass to remind me of it every time."

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