Chapter 6: The Dilemma

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Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma.

-Hendrik Willem VanLoon

Lucia Salazar's POV

My heart was pounding loudly in my chest I could swear that Diego could hear it. My body was shaking badly due to the unexplained shadow in my window. This was the first time such a scene happened to me since the creepy stalking thing started.

Right now I was in the shelter of Diego's strong embrace. I was clutching his shirt tightly like a scared little girl and I hate myself for it being in his arms like this it feels like I was safe from any harm that he would protect me at any cost. I temporarily closed my eyes trying to calm my nerves I couldn't help to smell his manly scent and aftershave.

When the adrenaline rush inside my body finally settled in, my eyes suddenly snap to open. What do you think you're doing, Lucia? I asked myself angrily. Get out of his embrace. Now. I summoned myself to put some distance between us but my body was not listening.

Finally, after incredible willpower, I pushed him away from me. "Thank you for your help, Diego. You can go now."

"You can't be serious." He said indecorously, with the measured steps he peeked from the curtains while covering himself from the view to make sure that there's no other human being outside my veranda. "How can I leave you like this?"

I frowned at him, tucking some loose hair at the back of my hair. "What are you going to do? For all we know, we both just imagine that shadow in the window just a product of lights outside. I got this from here, Diego."

"Don't be like naïve little girl, Lucia." He replied angrily, his eyes burned with passion. My heart jumped in my ribcage this was probably the first time he ever called me by my given name. I tried to look cool and collected when in truth there was a whirlwind of emotion inside me. "We both know that we did not imagine that shadow in your window. There is a psycho out there who is bothering you and until that bastard is caught I will not take off my eyes on you."

"I can take care of myself," I stated bravely in his face. I could see the anger in his eyes once the words escape my mouth. He closed the curtain and took a step forward towards me.  "What are you doing?"

"Your stubbornness is out of place." He announced in a low tone and never removing his intense eyes from me. "You like seeing me sick with worried about you, aren't you?"

I automatically took a step backward. My heart was pounding with fear but it was not like the fear I felt a while ago it was an entirely different kind of alarm. I swallowed hard. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"No?" He asked dangerously. He continued to walk where I was standing, I ran out of space when I hit the back of the sofa. "Well, let me show you."

My eyes widened when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and held it here. "What are you doing? Let go of me."

I tried to shake off his clamped but failing miserably. "So fragile. What are you going to do when your stalker does this to you when you're all alone? Do you think you can take good care of yourself as you thought, Señorita? For all, we know he's five to ten times stronger than you."

"I will kick his crotch," I informed him bravely, trying to remove his dead-grip on my wrist.

My temper flared when he smiled evilly in my direction as if he couldn't believe that I could do such a thing. "You can do that?"

I haughtily raised my chin. "Do you want me to show it to you how it's done? I know a thing or two on how to protect myself from an attacker."

If I thought that he would back down I was mistaken this is Diego we're talking about. "Be my guest. Show me how you will protect yourself from an aggressor. I'd like to see if you can take care of yourself as you claim without any help from a bodyguard."

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