Chapter 29: The Kidnapping

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In a kidnapping, you leave behind a lot of your baggage, like arrogance and stubbornness.

-Ingrid Betancourt

Lucia Salazar's POV

Finally, I said with satisfaction. My heart warmed at the thought of us finally getting married soon. I couldn't wait any longer to be his wife. Right now, I am preparing to leave to go to the town to buy bolts of fabric. I want to personally create my wedding dress.

"You're going out?" Diego entered my room without knocking. Since we arrived two days ago at the estate I stayed in my old room while Diego stayed in his out of respect for my brother since we're not yet married according to my husband-to-be.

"Yes," I smiled, looking at his reflection through my full-length mirror. Despite the fact that we stayed in separate rooms that didn't stop us from sneaking into each other rooms late at night. We were like teenagers experiencing our first romance.

"Where are you going exactly?" He asked as he made it further inside my room. My heart danced with happiness at the sight of his handsome face. He is the love of my life from the moment I laid my eyes on his I'd been his utterly so.

"Seville," I said simply, trying to finish dressing putting finishing touches to my almost done appearance. "I want to buy the bolts of fabric that I tell you the other day so I can start creating my wedding dress."

He scratched the back of his head warily. "Can't you postpone this trip this late afternoon or perhaps tomorrow if ever?"


He eyed me through the reflection of the mirror. "Well, your brother invited me to join him ride around the estate this morning. He says he wants my opinion about a certain matter about the estate."

I turned around to smile at him. "If that's the case then you'd better join Leandro. I will be fine, Mister. Besides, I don't want you to see what kind of material my wedding finery is made of."


I could see in his face that he was about to protest when I close this distance between us and hook my arms around his neck. "I will be fine, Diego. Have you forgotten? No stalker is really after me. This is all Leila's dirty work to have us together."

He stared at me for a long moment. I could see in his eyes that he was carefully weighing his options about this matter. He wasn't comfortable letting me leave without proper protection. "At least, ask the Condesa to help you in town. I'm sure that's not so much to ask from her."

I rolled my eyes in his direction. "She's busy with her son. I'm sure she's willing to help me but I don't want to be a bother to her." I smiled tenderly. "I will be fine and I promise I will be here before you even miss me."

"But I already miss you." He breathed with exasperation in his eyes. I knew that he doesn't want me to leave without him. But he already made a promise to my brother.

"You will be fine." I encourage, giving him a peck on the lips. "Wait until I return, will you?"

I couldn't miss the way his eyes darkened. "I'm still not sure if I will let you leave to town without me."

"Have faith, Diego." Before he could protest even more I pulled down his head and slyly kiss him passionately the kind of thing I was sure would melt all his protest about my trip in town. When the kiss turned hot and dangerous I reluctantly ended our lip locks.

I stared at his passion-clouded eyes. He traced my bottom lip with his thumb. "You have to promise me that you will update me regularly with your whereabouts. I promise that I will come after you as soon our tour ends."

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