Chapter 11: The Invitation

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A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.

- David Whyte

Lucia Salazar's POV

I have a very busy day ahead of me. I am planning on launching my spring/summer bridal collection very soon here in Paris my very first fashion show I am nervous but excited at the same time.

I worked tirelessly since I arrived this morning. I already finished the sketches for my collection and now I am starting to bring to life my sketches. I instructed Amy, my secretary to shop for fabric since I was so busy at the shop. Usually, I was the one who personally buys fabric since I was very picky when it comes to the materials I am using for my creations but this time I trust Amy to do the work.

And then there's Diego who unwillingly left me alone for a moment despite my assurance that I would be fine here and nothing would happen to me while he was away. He told me he needs to run some errands and he needs to buy items to fix my broken window he enthusiastically broke last night.

Thanks to him I couldn't sleep properly last night with the stalker scare and knowing the fact that my window was wrecked.

My mobile phone sounded like a text message. I looked at the screen to see Amy was asking what color I prefer. Half-heartedly I was about to reply when I received another text message this time it's from Diego who was checking if I was fine. For one stupid moment in my life, I accidentally replied to Diego's text message that was meant for my secretary.

I want nudes.

"Oh, no....!" I stared in horror, trying desperately to erase the text message before it was sent away to Diego's number. "Sweet mother of Jesus...oh my God! Kill me now." I tried to turn off my phone but too late the message was delivered and seen. "I want to die right now."

I tossed my phone on the wooden table near my sketches while trying to beat myself. My face was probably redder than a Spanish tomato. I could almost feel my face flamed with embarrassment how can I face Diego now after my foolishness? Oh, wait...he might get the wrong idea about my text message.

I looked for my mobile device and opened my conversation with the blasted man. I would send him another text message to get the facts straight but as I was typing for my explanation his number flashed to my screen. Damn it, he's calling me.

Taking several steady breaths, I stared at the number like I was being guillotined. Act normal, I instructed myself. Act cool and composed, Lucia. You can do this, girl.

Clearing my throat for once last time I slid my finger on the screen to take the phone call. "Hello?" I mentally cringed when I sounded slightly high pitch.

"I want to be sure before I send the nudes you are asking." He said without preamble with a chirpy tone. I closed my eyes wishing the Almighty to open the ground and swallowed me alive. How can I be so dimwitted?

"It was a mistake!" I informed him, fully aware of the blush spreading through my face like a freaking wildfire. "That text was meant for my secretary, not yours."

"Are you having an affair with your secretary, Señorita?" Diego asked playfully, I could hear him he's preventing himself from laughing out loud.

Oh, this was getting worse by the moment and this big bully was having a great time at my expense. "Of course not, you bid idiot! She was just asking me what kind of color I like for a fabric I was about to reply to her when your text message arrived at the same time."

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