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finn's p.o.v.

i am sitting at the pew, waiting for the bride. my hands are getting clammy from nervousness, a million butterflies must've settled in my stomach since this morning. i can't even sip coffee without thinking of getting sick.

wedding jitters, that's what they would say. ridiculous, i dismiss it easily on my mind. who am i to have wedding jitters? i almost laugh at myself.

she is my best friend, my confidante, and my one true love. we've been friends since we were kids. i ease my nerves by looking back at the memories we shared together. her on the playground swing, where we first met. her punching me in the face in fourth grade, when i made fun of her boyish haircut. her smile when she won the inter school spelling bee in grade six. the first time i saw her cry, when her dog died in junior high, the second time i saw her cry, when she got her first heartbreak. she was all tears then but god, she's still so beautiful even when she's a mess. after that, we became together, we became an official couple.

"positions!" the wedding organizer shouts, and i wake up from my reverie.

i put on my best smile and stand beside the groom.

god i still love her.

and she once knew that. and now, as i stand here, watching her marry someone else, all i can seem to think of is what went wrong that summer on golden pond?

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