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finn's p.o.v.

"hey dipshit, get up."

i groan, blinking my eyes.

nick opens the curtains widely, blinding me.

"what the heck!" i cover my face with a pillow. "shut the damn curtains nick."

laughing evilly, he steps out and peers in from the hall.

"it's your favourite day today finn." he sneers.

i raise my eyebrow, yawning.

"it's the forth of july."


people buzz in and out of the apatow cabin. like firecrackers weaving between the deck and the living room.

i help mum carry in our cheese plate and nick carries the bottle of wine. it's odd that although this seems like a ton of people, we're early and there's more to come.

i set the glass plate upon the counter and turn at a tap on my shoulder.

"hey loser."
millie smiles, setting down her salad bowl beside my plate.

"you're here early." i comment, turning slightly away from her pretty gaze.

"iris invited me to help." millie moves to my other side to be in view. "and i wanted to see maddie, lilia and you, finn." she places a hand on my shoulder and i ease at the touch.

she bites her lip. "don't look now but i think noah's staring at me."

my eyes dart from her to noah standing in the hallway with mr. apatow.

"i said don't look!" millie giggles quietly. "do you think he likes me?"

i tear my eyes from noah, bringing them to rest oh her. "who?"

"noah, silly." she inches closer. "do you think he likes me back?" she swoons as noah shoots her a wave. "maybe this is the summer that he finally asks me out."

i clench my jaw. "aren't we a little too old for crushes millie?"

she pouts. "when did you become such a fun-sucker?"

"ha ha." i drop the subject, letting her bask in the familiar warmth of a childhood crush, unknowing that i too was admiring a crush.

millie brushes a stray hair behind her left ear, revealing a half smile. "well...i should head home to get changed before the party begins."

i nod as she saunters off, stopping to speak with noah along the way. i turn around, letting go of my breath and blinking, long and hard.

"finn!" iris's hand spins me towards her. "we've been looking everywhere for you. caleb needs help with cooking the hot dogs and lilia wants somebody to fold the napkins."

sadie nods next to her before rushing off to god knows where. probably to stand beside caleb as he makes sad attempts to flirt. they're both absolutely oblivious.

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