sickly sweet

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finn's p.o.v.

the harbor front glistens, sunlight dancing from the tops of sailboats and yachts.

ava brown's small, sticky hand is laced with mine as we walk from the fair. she holds a large bag of pink cotton candy in her other hand, munching at it as we go.

carnival music blaring and the tapping of ava's feet as she skips alongside me fills my ears.

"this has been so much fun," ava giggles with her mouth full of cotton candy.

i smile down at the little girl and squint my eyes in the blinding daylight.

we pass the harbor fest sign and begin to walk though the park.

with the lake glistening beside us and the large trees shading us from the sun, we take a seat at a nearby picnic table.

ava's feet dangle above the ground and she rests her little body against my side.

"so are you going to be my big brother?" ava asks, handing me a bit of her cotton candy.

my freckled cheeks flush.

i let the sickly sweet candy melt in my mouth, thinking about my answer.
"well i don't know ava,"

she pouts, sticking out her tounge.
"aren't older people supposed to know these things?"

"i don't know ava, i'm not that old yet."

ava gets off the bench and twirls around, sticking her hand out for me to hold.

i spin the little princess around the park, making sure she doesn't trip and fall in the process.

we end up looking out at the lake, wind kissing our cheeks.

"i'd like you to be my big brother finn," ava grins. "you and millie should get married."

my face goes hot and i look out at the water for a second, then back down at ava.

"i'd like that too." i reply, giving her hand a squeeze.

she squeals doing a little victory dance then she tugs at the edge of my shirt, looking up at me with her big eyes.

"yes ava?"

the little girl bounces up and down. "look! it's mommy and daddy and millie and charlie!" she points to where the brown family walks.

"we should go see them." i smile as she runs full speed to her family.

when i finally reach them they smile.

"thank you for bringing ava to the fair finn." mrs. brown gives me a quick hug. "you're such a lovely boy."

i grin, at mrs. brown and shake mr. brown's hand, hoping he doesn't notice how clammy mine is.

millie's father has always made me nervous, even more so now that i'm dating his daughter.

"say thank you to finn, ava." millie commands, pushing her sister forward.

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