yellow dress

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i finally updated!! the end of this chapter is important so i'd make sure to read this chapter all the way through. i'm sorry it's long.


finn's p.o.v.

"where are you sneaking off to dumbass?" nicks shocks me as i creep out of the cabin.

i turn to face my brother who stands with his back to me. "uh nowhere..."

nick turns, sunglasses shading his gaze. "joe keery's party?"

i look down at my feet clad in sandals. when i don't answer, he continues. "could i get a ride with you?"

i furrow my eyebrows. "you're going too?"

"of course dipshit, i wouldn't miss a party."

i nod and grab the key to our boat shed, hurrying out of the cabin with nick in tow.

as we run down the path, nick shouts from behind me. "i'm guessing your girlfriend's coming with us."

i turn. "millie's not my girlfriend."

he smirks. "i never said who i thought your girlfriend was."

"shut up."


millie bounds down the path towards my small motor boat.

she wears a yellow sundress, her short hair falling softly on her shoulders.
as she steps onto the dock, i take in her appearance. the small streak of smudged makeup under her left eye and the pink lipstick that glosses up her lips.

she takes small steps towards me, her smile lighting up the lake through the setting sun. i stand, admiring the way her skin glows.

she hops in the boat, sitting by the motor.
"hey loser, can i drive? "

familiarity causes a grin to grow on my face, it's just the same old millie.

i nod.

i step into the shaky motor boat, holding my arms out to steady myself and sitting next to my older brother.

"finn...finn look." millie's sugary voice urges.

i turn to where her gaze meets the horizon.

there, in the misty light of the evening, a family of loons swim. the sunlight basks them in a glowing haze.

we watch as the mother loon corrals her children, they go about their usual night and we go unknown, observing their every move.

millie sits, at the back of the boat yet in front of me. a smile growing on her cheeks as she gazes mesmerized.

my cheeks bloom rosy and i look down at my leg that bounces up and down quickly.

i can almost hear nick smirk beside me.

"they're beautiful aren't they." millie turns.

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