my sunshine

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finn's p.o.v.

i run through the woods, pushing away the newly overgrown trees. a branch catches my pant leg and i stumble, landing on the damp forest ground.

"shit." i utter, peering down at my now bleeding leg.

i pull the fabric back over my cut and brush away the dirt. i walk the rest of the way over to the brown's small yellow cabin.

an owl hoots in the distance, the stars shining brightly in the early morning dew.

i crouch down and pull the small step ladder out from under the cabin. blowing off the cobwebs i place it under millie's window, stepping up and peering through the dusty glass.

millie sits on her bed with her back to me, hunched over. she clings to the walkie talkie and stares down at the antenna.

i lift my fist and tap upon the glass three times.

millie turns, her puffy eyes wide. a light smile washes across her cheeks but i can tell it's forced, i know my best friend.

she shuffles over to the window, pushing it up slowly.

she leans out and i take in her appearance in the night air. her tangled hair and flushed cheeks.

"you came." she breathes.

"i'll always be here if you need me millie."

she helps me into her room and i close the window behind myself.

millie and i stand inches apart, our eyes meeting and familiarity brimming the air.

i want to hug her and hold her tear streaked face, telling her that it'll be alright. but i don't, i can't be the one to make the first move.

millie brushes a stray strand of hair behind her left ear and rubs at her puffy eye with a fist.

she breaks the space between us by pulling me into a firm hug. i melt at her touch and wrap my arms around her tightly, hoping that if i hug her long enough i'll erase the bad things from her mind. i wrest my chin upon her head and we rock back and forth ever so slightly.

we stay like that for a while until i hear millie's voice muffled on my chest. "you smell really nice."

i laugh, loosening my grip. "don't i usually?"

i feel her smirk but she doesn't reply. we break apart soon after.

i take a seat on her bed and as she turns away i sneak a look at my leg, the blood stains my pants.

"holy shit finn, what happened?" i jump at the sound of her voice.

quickly i cover my leg, not wanting her to worry. "oh nothing, i just tripped on the way here."

millie kneels down in front of me, looking at my bleeding leg.

"this is bad finnie."

i shake my head. "nothing a bandaid won't fix, i'll go get one."

i go to stand up but millie shoots me a look before i can. "don't get up - i'll do it." and with that she leaves me in her bedroom.

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