red umbrella

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finn's p.o.v.

i walk a little behind mum, my feet dragging. nick ran ahead to get to the lieberher's early.

"hurry up hun, i don't want to be late." mum groans, ushering me forward.

we walk through the trees and as we pass by the brown's yard i look down at the lake. millie swims off her dock, her strokes are smooth and graceful.
wet hair sticks to the skin of her shoulders and neck.

she looks up at me and waves.

i notice the hint of a smirk on her lips. blushing, i wave back and keep walking along the path.

we reach the lieberher's with 2 minutes to spare.

jaeden's parents welcome us into their cabin which smells of vanilla and cedar. it's claustrophobic but fitting for the 3 of them.

"how are you doing finn?" mr. lieberher asks. "have you heard back from any colleges?"

i let out an exasperated sigh, taking a seat at the table. "yes actually but i'm-"

mum cuts me off. "-finn is going to berkeley next year." she sits beside me with a smug smile.

mrs. lieberher lights up. "oh that's a wonderful school!"

mum grins and nods her head.

"finn, darling you're such a smart young man," mrs. lieberher gushes, "i'm so happy you get to attend berkeley!"

"i'm still deciding," i mumble.

mum kicks me under the table and nick smirks.

"sorry i'm late mama." jaeden walks in, dropping his car keys on the counter. "grace's car wouldn't start so i gave her a ride home."

"look at you!" mrs. lieberher fusses. "we have guests and you're a mess!"

i snicker, looking down at my plate and i can sense jaeden's glare.


after dinner we hurry back to our cabin, hoping to beat the rain.

exhaustion is inevitable after such a long day, yet i find myself lying awake in bed staring at the ceiling. too tired to sleep.

rain sputters on the roof and the soft pitter patter of a drizzle turns quickly into downpour.

i pull my covers up to my neck, only my face peaking out.

wind drifts in through my window, pouring rain onto my windowsill.

i shuffle over to shut it but i'm interrupted by the buzzing of my walkie talkie.

i blindly search for it under my bed.


"hey finn," millie's voice wavers.

my fingers latch around the large walkie talkie and i grab it from under my bed.

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