picking daisies

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finn's p.o.v.

i slide into my dry clothes, shaking off my wet hair and tossing my soaked clothes onto the carpeted floor.

pushing open the stiff curtains, i feel the sunlight drape over my cheeks. it still hasn't hit me, that we're here, on golden pond, once again.

i wander out of my bedroom. "hey mum?" i call, listening for an answer.

when i hear no response, i give up on finding her. she's probably off having her first drink of the summer, surrounded by the other moms.

"what's up frog face?"

i turn and look at nick, who's sitting on the beige couch, sorting through fishing lures.

"where's mum?" i ask, focusing on his fingers that move causiously, avoiding the sharp hooks.

he barely glances up. "she's with leslie."

i nod my head and stare into space, i've been doing that a lot lately.

iris's mother, leslie, is probably the sweetest woman you'll meet.  though as nick would say; she's a bad influence on mum.  my mother's days on golden pond consist of laughter and smiles, but that's just the cover of this two month book. leslie has a drinking problem, and it seems to be contagious.
mum has always had a weak spot for beer.


i trek down the gravel road, dark sunglasses shading my eyes from the sun. my pale arms shine pink in the burning daylight.

i pause along the roadside, bending down to pluck some wildflowers that are in bloom. i hear the small snap, as i pick the brittle white daisies, preparing a bunch.

back when my mum was always happy, back before the summers of drowning her feelings in alcohol, back before dad died, she told me something. she told me to stop and pick the wildflowers. for no matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.

i had planned on bringing them to caleb's, where i was headed, but worry flickers in my head. he'll tease me for picking flowers.

i'll make a detour to millie's.
i could go to sadie's, which is on my way, but millie's is closer to where i am.
well, only a few steps closer, but still.


i take quick steps, rehearsing what i'll say to millie.

stop it finn. she's your best friend, stop being nervous.

my palms grow sweaty as i bound down the brown's path.

when their little yellow cabin comes into view, i debate turning around.

i step onto the deck and open their screen door, walking into the musty cabin.

i clear my throat and hide the flowers behind my back. "hey brown?"

millie's head peeks from around the corner, her hair wisps across her face.

"wolfhard?" she smiles, ducking back behind the corner and reamerging in a second.

my heart swells as she saunters over, her gaze at ease.

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