strawberries and cigarettes

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2 days later...

finn's p.o.v.

"...we'll jump on three, okay?"

i grin to millie who's hand is in mine.

her body shakes slightly, cold from the brisk air that touches the exposed skin surrounding her bathing suit. the moonlight basks her skin in a glowing aroma and she swats a mosquito who bites at her leg.

"on three or after three?" i ask, squeezing her hand lightly.

she looks out over the cliff to the glistening lake, then squints back at me. "you're so particular."

i pull my hand from hers and throw up some jazz hands. "it's called anxiety, remember?"

she nudges my shoulder and slips her hand back into mine, a small gesture of acknowledgement.

we back away from the cliff, going for a running start.

"one..." millie looks up at me.

a boat speeds by down below and i track it with my gaze.

"two..." we crouch down, preparing to run as if we were little kids again.

"three!" millie shouts and my legs jolt into motion.

i keep my grip on her hand as we run to the edge of the rock. everything seems quiet until i hear millie's shrill scream of joy. then my body breaks into the water and everything seems to slow.

our hands are no longer connected and i feel weeds brush against my bare feet.

i swim up and out of the water once momentum stops, breathing air in gulps.


4 hours prior...

"holy shit, that's amazing!" caleb swings an arm around my shoulder. "congratulations dude."

maddie sips at her beer, a smile peeking from behind her plastic cup. "i always knew you two were like... meant to be." she wiggles her eyebrows.

i lean forward, shoving my hands into my pockets. "shut up."

"i mean...come on finn. we all saw the way you made googly eyes at millie." gaten pipes up.

my legs dangle from the edge of the red treehouse. "i guess so..."

"duh." maddie sputters. "that girl has had you in a trance since we were 5."

caleb leans back against the wall. "are you two going on a date again tonight?"

"yes, i think."

maddie rolls her eyes. "what do you mean 'you think'?"

i bite at my nail. " see...millie and i are going to the rock."

gaten smirks, crushing his beer can and tossing it to the side.

"oh my god. are you serious?" maddie sits up a little straighter.

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