willow trees

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finn's p.o.v.

there's a giggling laughter. i think it's only in my dream, but then it gets louder.

millie moves first, moaning softly before pulling me closer and burying her face in my neck like she can block the sound.

"millie," a voice calls.

my eyes open, and i stare up at the ceiling. "well, fuck me," i murmur.

"probably not now," millie says, and i snort a laugh.

we sit up, and i quickly get out of her bed, smooth her sheets, and reset the pillows.

my eyes adjust to the brightness of the mid-day sun, and fixate on lilia and sadie, who share a smirk.

"look who finally decided to get up," sadie sneers.

millie ignores the comment asking instead, "what time is it?"

"almost 2," lilia says.

"fuck," i curse.

lilia pulls me into a hug. "watch your tounge," she says.

"i'm glad your back buckingham."

"glad to be back wolfhard."

we pull away and i see millie picking at the skin around her thumb nervously.

sadie catches this too, assuring her that they covered for us. "we told your parents you weren't feeling well mills," she turns to me "and caleb stopped by your house finn."

"thank you," millie sighs.

"yeah thanks guys."

millie snakes her arm around my waist, melting into my side.

lilia talks about the city but my body seems to shut her out.

my fingers talk about millie's hands, my mouth tells me about her lips, my silhouette just won't stop taking about her fingers on my hips. it's so loud.

millie tugs at the hem of my pajama shirt, pulling me out of my head.

"finn?" sadie says my name like a question.

"oh sorry i was daydreaming for a minute there."

lilia laughs and covers her mouth.

"i was asking if you two wanted to go for a swim?" sadie repeats.

i look down to meet millie's eyes then reply, "definitely."


i carry mine and millie's towels as we walk down the path to the lake.
we all decided to swim off caleb's dock today.

millie and i wave to sadie who we can see is already in the water.

once we reach the dock i throw our towels to the side, kicking of my sandals.

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