the loons

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finn's p.o.v.

"-well what are you bringing to the party then?" millie asks, her voice cutting in and out over the walkie talkie.

"i am not bring anything, mum wouldn't let me," i run my fingers through my curly hair, looking into my mirror. "nick's bringing all our beer."

"oh darn," millie replies, "well could ya ask him to bring me something, i couldn't convince my parents."
i can picture her rolling her eyes.
"we're 18! i just don't get it."

"i'll make sure he brings you something mills."

"thanks loser."

"no problem."


i make eye contact with myself in my bathroom mirror. it's just a party finn, calm down. my palms are clammy, jitters of anxiety creeping up on me.

i'm setting my walkie talkie down on the counter when nick calls to me, "hurry up loverboy or i'll leave without you."

i open the bathroom door to find him leaning against the wall. "jeese chill out," i say, brushing past him. "bring a drink for millie, would ya?"

"look if your girlfriend wants a drink, man up and bring her one."

"mum won't let me and you know that."

he laughs and grabs a drink from the fridge. "i was just kidding."

we walk down to the boat, shouting goodbye to mum and once we hop in i'm already sweating from the evening heat.

"the weather man wasn't kidding when he said this summer would be a cooker."

"no shit."

nick steers to sophia's cabin, the rumble of the boat under my feet is calming.

we pass by a group of loons and i can't help but think of millie, she loves loons.

the lillis cabin comes into view as we round the bend, it's bright blue shutters and the early party goers make it strikingly different from the other cabins in sight.

nick pulls the boat up to the dock and i hop out, tying the rope.

the ziegler's boat drives in a moment later, maddie steers it behind our boat. mackenzie blabs about some boy and maddie shoots me an annoyed look.

i tie their boat up for them, sympathetically glancing at maddie.

"kenzie, why don't you bring our drinks up to the cabin," maddie suggests to her sister.

mackenzie rolls her eyes, stepping out of their boat and carrying their cooler away.

maddie gets out standing across from me.

"i haven't seen you much this summer madds, how's it going?"

she smiles, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "oh i've been well, kenzie keeps dragging me to parties so i haven't been around much."

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