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a/n: i dare you to listen to forest fire by brighton while reading this chapter, lol. (or just any sad song)

third person p.o.v.
two days later...

it was around three in the morning when millie brown heard a tapping on her window.

she woke up startled, and rubbed at her eyes, adjusting them to the darkness.

there it was again, the tapping sound.

she got out of bed, wrapping her arms around her body and clinging to her nightgown.  walking the few feet over to lean on her windowsill.

imagine her fright when she saw none other than finn wolfhard staring back at her.

she pushed up her window and leaned out into the darkness.

"what are you doing here finn?"  she asked, her voice laced with sadness.

he looked up at her with drunken, bloodshot eyes.  "i miss you so much mills," he said, his voice shaky.

millie looked down at her bare feet.
"i know."

"do you though?"  finn looked up at her, tears in his eyes.  "because i really love you, and you just don't seem to understand the level of pain this is causing me."

the words rattled millie.  she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wondering if he could hear the sound of her heartbeat.  her eyes were burning and the room felt much too small.  she tried to swallow the sob in her throat, but when she opened her mouth her voice came out watery and muddled, heavy with the threat of tears: "finn, please," she said. "don't."

as best friends do, of course they had fought before, but never to this extent, never like this.

his eyes widened slightly, but his face didn't change; he still looked wholly uncomprehending.  there's a long silence, then millie cleared her throat.

"you should go home finn, you're drunk."

tears spilled down his face, mixing with the spilt beer on his shirt.

"please finn, go home."  millie repeated, blinking back the tears in her eyes.

he looked up at her, so unhappy in that moment that he was unsure how to walk away; how to leave the girl he loved for possibly, the last time.

millie leaned out her window, barely an inch separating their faces.  she could smell the liquor on his breath.
leaning in closer she placed a light kiss on his forehead.
"drive safely," she said, gesturing to his boat tied to her dock.

finn shut his eyes for a moment, before nodding sadly and stepping back.

millie couldn't bring herself to say goodbye to her best friend so instead she nodded back and shut the window with shaky hands.

when she climbed back into her bed she finally let the sobs escape her lips.

"i love you," she whispered, knowing nobody would hear.  "i love you so much."

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