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finn's p.o.v.

"...i must be crazy..." millie's voice carries across the buzzing.
"but i think...i think i love you too..."

my heart seems to stop, then plumet into a fast paced pulse, my breathing rushed and short.

what do i say?

i stare at the walkie talkie, hoping my breath isn't loud enough to give me away.

i shut my eyes, thinking. running my fingers through my hair, i reach across the bed and grab hold of the walkie talkie, grasping it with my clammy hands.

i cough.

she'll know i'm listening.



"yes millie?"

"did you hear that...uh...that last part?"

my lips form a thin line, what do i say?

"i love you." millie whispers, her voice drowsy with sleeplessness.

i count on my fingers down from ten before i bring myself to answer.
"i love you too millie."

she lets out a sigh.
"thank god."

i lean back and huddle in my sheets, holding the walkie talkie close, listening to my best friend's unspoken thoughts.

"when can i see you, millie?"

"you see me every day loser."

"i meant...i meant to say...will you come out with me?"

"come out with a date?"

i rub the back of my neck.
"yes?" i say almost as a question, then once again reasuring her.

there's a shuffling noise from the line, she sneezes and i can picture the way her nose crinkles.

"do you miss me?"
her voice sounds vunerable but i can sense the smirk across her lips.
she doesn't give me time to answer, interupting herself.
"of course you miss me...that was dumb to say..i..i'm sorry."

her words come out jumbled, one after another rolling into me like bowling balls.

"yes, i miss you."

"yes i'll come on a date with you."

i sigh.
"thank god."

"when?" she asks.


"that's perfect. seven o'clock?"

i nod and peer out my window, forgetting she can't see me.
"oh uh yes." my answer comes delayed.



"i love you millie."


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