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Last night was such a perfect night. Even though it was such a simple little gesture, it showed me that me and Mason can get through anything and that even after all the years our love is still strong.

As I finally sit up out of bed, I feel Masons arm slide out and pull me back down and snuggle me into him. With this bump in the way, it's becoming a struggle to cuddle Mason but he always finds a way.

'Stay' his raspy morning voice says and just that one word and his warm embrace has me swooning and I lay straight back down while he cuddles into my neck.

After an extra 20 minutes of lying in bed when I could've been almost ready or cleaning, I finally convince Mason to get out of bed. Only because I  reminded him about baby shopping.

'Ell babe are you ready?' I hear Mason shout up as I just finish putting my shoes on which is already proving to be quite a struggle.

'Coming' is my reply and with that we lock up the house and make our way to the car.

'I'll drive' he offers which immediately makes me realise how stupid he actually is.

'I don't think so, I'm driving' I reply, rolling my eyes and walking to the drivers side.

'What, wait I always drive!' He exclaims and I give him 'the look' which silences him quickly.

'Yeah, that was before the incident and you weren't injured' I argue back and climb into the drivers seat and wait for Mason, who's ego is probably squashed to the ground.

'Aw turn that frown upside down baby' I tease when I see the scowl painted on his beautiful face.

As we pull into shop car park, we are quick to notice the crazy amount of police cars clustered together, sirens blaring and a large crowd gathered around trying to see what's going on.

'What on earth' I mutter under my breath and it's then that I see his familiar face.

Those gentle eyes and scruffy stubble crowding his chin. His hair a mess atop his head and his clothes ragged and dirty. And blood. He's covered in blood.

'LUCAS' I scream, clambering out of my car while wondering where this sudden urge of care come from.

short one but wanted to leave ya hanging
thank you also so much for 3K💓

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