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A few months has passed since the whole incident with Lucas. Incident seems to pop up in my dictionary too much. But, on the good side, the baby is due in a few weeks and Mason and I could not be happier. We had everything we needed now for the little creation we had made, and we finally settled into the house my father sorted for us.

'Hey L, I got you some tea. Black how you like it'. I smile at my mending brother. He's still in the hospital but he'll be getting discharged in a couple of days. As much as my father was against it, my mother obviously was taking him home, where she could keep an eye on her precious son.

'Thanks Ell'. He gratefully smiles back, and takes the burning tea from my hands. At the minute, everything was going great with me and my brother. We're beginning to build the bond we had as young children, and it was really lovely to know that my baby was going to have an uncle as amazing as Lucas. The only unsettling thought, is the fact that Mason isn't too keen on him, but it now that's the last thing I'm thinking about. 'You can go now, don't worry about me' he laughs.

'No, don't be daft, I don't mind. Besides Mason is busy, so I'd be lonely otherwise'. I playfully grin, and gently rub my whale of a bump. The closer the due date got, the more the nerves kicked in. 'Anyway, I'm guessing you haven't got a special person in your life?' I ask, a question that has been picking at my head for a while now.

I watch as Lucas grows slightly agitated by my question, and scratches the back of his neck. He lets out a long sigh before answering with, 'there was someone. An extremely special someone'. I notice his eyes fill with sadness and a hint of guilt.

'Would you like to speak about it?' I gently say, placing my hand over his softly.

'Cheryl. Her name is Cheryl. Oh god Ellie, she was the best thing to ever happen to me. But I fucked up, like usual, and lost her'. He stays silent for a minute before continuing. 'We were due to be married you know? But I ran. Ran off with the fucking gang and left her for weeks. When I got back, she had gone. Everything, there was barely even a trace that the flat had ever been lived in'. I watch as his hands ball into fists and his eyes are drowned in even more sadness, if possible, and he just sadly shakes his head.

'Oh Lucas. I'm so sorry, that's awful'. I say, trying to help him but honestly what he did was wrong. I understand now that he wants to sort his life out, clearly his past was a bigger mystery then I originally thought. He needs to get away from that, start afresh and I'll make it my mission to help. 'On a happier note, Mason is on his way with food'. I flash another playful grin, to which he replies with a sad smile.

After a relaxing day, spent mostly with Lucas, I finally got to be home with the love of my life. Even after so many years and even with a baby on the way, I still can't get over the fact that Mason Harris is mine. I also can't get over the fact our baby will be here in a matter of weeks. Granted I am absolutely petrified but I know we can do this.

'I bring apples and tomatoes my dear'. Mason says, gently placing my cravings down next to me. I smile at him before digging straight into the feast next to me. Moaning in delight, I watch as Mason's eyebrows raise up and he gives me a shocked look. I grin and shrink into our heavenly sofa.

This was the life every girl could dream of.

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