Life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness.

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Little author note at the beginning:

Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I'm actually German, so my english isn't perfect.

Nonetheless I hope you'll enjoy reading this story. (^∇^)


A smile played on your lips, a faint pink illuminated your cheeks and your (e/c) eyes were shining brightly as you watched the blonde male performing on the huge stage. Girls and boys, everyone was cheering and adoring the young idol. His hair swayed from side to side with every movement. Electric blue eyes were fixed on the crowd in front of him as his voice filled the whole place, melting countless hearts. Of course yours as well. But it wasn't just his voice, which made your heart beating faster. It was simply everything. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way he blushed, whenever his sister embarrassed him. You just loved everything about him. Everything about Len Kagamine. Still, there was one thing that you loved more than all these other things. Whenever he came back from the stage, he would walk straight to you and embrace you tightly. Then he would say how much he loves you and in the end seal this beautiful words with a breathtaking kiss. Yes, Len Kagamine was your boyfriend and you were probably the happiest girl in the world.

"Found you~", you suddenly heard someone saying behind you, their hands grabbing your shoulders. Startled you turned around, coming face to face with Rin, who was grinning from ear to ear. "Did I scare you?" You let out a deep breath, placing your hand above your heart. "Don't do that ever again." A giggle slipped from her lips, before she said, "Sorry, sorry, sorry~!" You couldn't help but also let a giggle escape your lips. Then you turned your attention back to the stage, gazing at your beloved. "Len's doing great tonight." "Mhm.", you hummed in response. "He's amazing like always." "Though, I still don't get it." Confused you looked back at your friend. "Huh? What do you mean?" "I mean that I still can't understand how my stupid brother was able to make you fall in love with him." You giggled once again, before saying, "The heart wants what the heart wants, Rin." "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. By the way, Kaito wants to see you." "Oh, what does he want?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know. But it's soon his turn, so you should hurry. Maybe something's wrong." A sigh escaped your lips as you gazed back at Len, who was performing his last song right now. You truly wanted to see his performance, but it was your job to make sure everything was alright and that everyone was okay. "Alright, I see what he wants. And you should get ready, Rin. You're next." "Alrighty~!" With that said you made your way towards Kaito, who was sitting backstage, watching Len's performance about a monitor. "Hey Kaito, what's wrong?", you asked as you approached the blue haired male. His gentle gaze met yours and he flashed you a bright smile. "(y/n), there you are!" "Yep. So tell me, why did you want to see me?" He stood up and placed his hands on top of your shoulders as his face suddenly became very serious. "Kaito?" "I... I have to tell you something." Worriedly you looked at your friend. "Okay, what is it? Is something wrong?" A sigh escaped his lips as he hung his head. "I don't know how to tell you. It's just so... complicated." "Whatever it is, you can tell me.", you assured him. He raised his head again, his blue orbs staring right into you (e/c) ones. "(y/n), I..." "You...?" "I... I'm hungry." Dumbfounded you looked at him as he started to laugh, withdrawing his hands from your shoulders. You groaned, before punching his shoulder lightly. "Sometimes you can be such an idiot. You know that, do you?" A big grin formed itself on his face. "Yeah, I know. But get I something to eat now?" "There are plenty of snacks on the table there. Why don't you eat them?" "Because you know that there's only one thing that I want to eat right now.", he replied, once again looking seriously at you. "That has to wait until the concert's over. So be a good Kaito now and as soon as it's over you'll get as much ice cream as you want." The corner of his lips twitched into a big smile as he nodded rapidly. "Hai~!"

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