When I'm with you, I feel safe from the things that hurt me inside.

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Eventually this one day came. Today was the funeral of your parents. Nearly two weeks had passed since their decease. For you it was still hard to believe that they were gone forever, but you had to accept it. You had a real hard time the last weeks. Not a single day passed without you crying your heart out. Their death hit you harder than you thought. But luckily you had your best friends, which tried everything to help you. They were always by you side, especially Kaito. As soon as he heard what had happened, he never left you alone. He was really worried about you. And Len? Well, since this "one-time thing" happened, you avoided him. Although he tried everything to approach you, you always pushed him away. You were afraid that you would hurt him by giving him hope again. As long as you weren't able to give him another chance, you wanted to keep a distance between him and you. Even though, deep inside yourself, you wished nothing more than to have him by your side. But you had to resist your wish and your feelings. It was for the better.

The cold wind blew through your hair and tickled your (s/c) skin. Dark clouds were hovering on the sky, blocking every sunbeam, which wanted to shine down on earth. The leaves, that fell down and already lost their bright green colour, danced in the wind. Slowly you raised your head and looked up at the huge tree, which branches hovered over you. A few leaves were still clinging to the twigs, just like a little child, which clung to their beloved mother, afraid to get separated from her. But one day fate would come and take the mother from the little child. This was how destiny is and no one could do something against it. Sooner or later everyone had to part from their loved ones. So cruel was fate; so cruel was life.
With a sad sigh you dropped your gaze, looking at the grave of your beloved parents. Slightly you tighten your grip on the beautiful white lily in your hand as you parted your lips to speak, your warm breath meeting the cold air to make it steam in front of you. "I want to thank everyone, who came today, to take their last farewell." You looked up at everyone. Family, friends and even the Vocaloids were there. All their eyes were on you as they listened to your words. "I think it was a shock for all of us as we heard that my Mum and my Dad left us forever." Your voice trembled and slowly tears welled up in your eyes. "If I have to be honest, I still can't believe it myself. I still hope that I'll get a call from Mum and then she tells me that everything was just a bad joke and their still alive. But deep inside myself, I know, that it's stupid to hope something like that." Sadness was reflecting on everyone's face, some people even had tears in their eyes. "I-I can call myself lucky that I had such wonderful and amazing parents. Mum and Dad always did their best for me. No matter what I did or how stubborn I sometimes was, they always supported me... t-they always helped me." By now, the tears streamed down your face and you averted your gaze from everyone. Miku and Rin were hugging each other, shedding one tear after another, while Luka and Meiko tried to comfort them, although they had tears in their eyes as well. Even Kaito was crying silently, hiding half of his face behind his scarf. "I don't know, where I-I would be today without them. Thanks to them, I had a beautiful childhood and t-their love made me to the person I am today." Len stood a little further away from anyone, but his gaze was fixed on you. He could see that your whole body was trembling and he was afraid that you would break down any moment. Everyone could see that this was too much for you. "I-I never told them how grateful I am for the things they've done for me." You bit onto your lips, trying to suppress the sobs, which wanted to escaped from your mouth. "A-and now it's too late and I-I'll never get the chance to say h-how much they mean to me... how grateful I am a-and... how much I-I love them."

Suddenly the male Kagamine walked towards you, everyone looking at him now. As he reached you, he placed his hand on top of your shoulder. You looked up at him and in the next moment he wrapped his arms around you, embracing you tightly. This was the place, where you felt safe. As long as you were in his arms, nothing could happened. Just like the leaves, which clung to the branches with their last strength, you clung to him. He was the one, who would catch you, if you were about to fall. You didn't push him away and leaned your head against his chest, not holding back the tears. No word was spoken as everyone either looked down or at the both of you. It was completely silent. "Why don't you tell them now, how much they mean to you?", the blonde whispered. You leaned back a bit and met his gaze. A small smile adorned his face as he stuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I'm sure, they will hear you, (y/n)." You looked over you shoulder to the grave, before turning yourself fully towards it. Len placed himself beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. "Mum, Dad." Once more all eyes were on you. "I miss you both... so much. You were always the best parents I could ever wish for. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for raising me. Thank you for all the things you've done for me. Thank you for... loving me. I'll never forget the both of you." Slowly you raised your head and opened your eyes again, gazing up at the gloomy sky above you. The barest hint of a smile graced your features as the tears rolled down your cheeks. "I love you, Mum and I love you, Dad. I know, one day we'll see each other again." The blonde Vocaloid also looked up as he pressed your figure against him gently. "I would like to thank the both of you as well. Even though I was just a friend of your beloved daughter, you two treated me as if I were your own son. I promise to take care of your little princess for you, until the day the three of you will see each other again." Surprised by his words, you looked at Len. He took your hand, which was holding the lily and leaded it forward. His eyes found yours and he offered you a gentle smile. With a nod he signaled you to let go of the flower. Turning your gaze back to the grave, you released a deep breath. And with that, you opened your hand slowly and allowed the beautiful lily to fall into the open grave. All of a sudden the wind became stronger, but it was for only a few seconds. You smiled to yourself, although the tears still didn't stop. Len's fingers intertwined with yours as you drawn your hand back. Once more you looked up at the sky, before closing your eyes. "Was this a sign that my words had reached you, Mum and Dad?"

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