We have to leave it where we are now and never turn back to try.

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Outside, the snowflakes were falling silently while you were still sound asleep. You visited the world of dreams, dreaming of the one you loved so much. A beautiful smile graced his features as he reached out towards you, waiting for you to lay your hand in his. His lips formed words, but you couldn't hear his voice. Nonetheless you wanted to grab his hand, because he was the owner of your heart. Slowly you raised your hand and brought it forwards, but before you could even touch him, he already grabbed you by your hand and pulled you towards him. Wrapping his arms around you, he stared in your eyes. Again he said something, but you still couldn't hear it. Suddenly his face moved closer to yours until you could feel his warm breath on your skin. The smile never left his lips and you could only stare into his blue eyes, getting totally lost. "...ve me." Faintly you heard his voice as his lips moved again. You listened closely, trying to understand what he was saying, but it was hopeless. It was like his voice was miles away, although he was standing right in front of you. "I can't hear you.", you finally spoke up. It seems like he chuckled, but there was still no sound leaving his lips. Suddenly he brushed your hair away from your ear and leaned towards it. Finally his gentle voice filled your ears. "Don't leave me, (y/n)." Your eyes went wide and the heart in your chest began to race. He pulled back again and smiled at you, before bringing his face closer to yours once more. His lips were nearly touching yours and you felt yourself being pressed against his figure. "I love you. Please, don't leave me.", he whispered, before closing the distance between the both of you.

Your eyes snapped open and you found yourself being awake again. "That was a dream, right?" Bringing your hand to your chest, you could still feel your heart pounding fiercely. "Len...", you whispered his name and just now you noticed a weight on your left shoulder. Slowly you turned your head, seeing the blonde's sleeping face. His lips were slightly parted while some strands of his hair were falling in his face. "W-why's he sleeping here?" For a moment or two you watched him, before leaning your head against the wall again. A quiet sigh left your lips and you closed your eyes. "What should I do now?" The weight on your shoulder vanished, causing you to open your eyes again. Turning your head to look at the idol, you saw that he was now awake, rubbing his eyes sleepily. A yawn escaped his lips, before his gaze met yours. Seeing that you were awake as well, he flashed you a rather cute smile. "Oh, you're awake." Averting your gaze from him, you mumbled a quiet "Hai.", and hugged your knees to your chest. For a few more seconds his eyes lingered on you, but then he turned his head away, staring at the opposite wall. Silence fell between the both of you; A silence, that no one dared to break. Minutes passed as the both of you just sat on the floor next to each other. Your heads were clouded with so many thoughts, but neither Len nor you found the strength to say something. From the corner of his eye he glanced at you, before heaving a sigh and dropping his gaze. Slightly you turned your head and looked at him. "I have absolutely no idea what I should do know. This is so awkward. Maybe I should just stand up and go to my room?" Averting your gaze again, you leaned your head against the wall. "But... somehow I don't want to go back to my room." Eventually Len found the strength to break the silence between you and him. "(y/n)?" "Mhm?" "I'd like to meet your new boyfriend." His gaze drifted to you, but you avoided eye contact. "W-why?" "I'd just like to know who he is. Don't worry, I don't plan to ruin your relationship or something like that. I'm just curious, you know?" But the truth was, Len just wanted to make sure that you weren't lying to him. He still couldn't believe it and as long as he hadn't any proof, he couldn't stop hoping. You've become nervous, not knowing what you should say. How were you able to show him your new boyfriend, if you actually hadn't one? "I don't know, if this is a good idea." "Why?" "Because...", you began, but fell silent eventually. You couldn't come up with any excuse as your mind was suddenly completely blank. "Maybe you could ask him, if he'd like to come over. I'm sure the others would like to meet him as well." You bit onto your lip, not knowing what to say. Yes, you were a very bad liar and the idol knew that. Would he really discover your lie now?

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