Thank you for staying by my side even though I tried to push you away.

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"Welcome back, (y/n)-chan~!", greeted you your teal haired friend as you stepped into the living room. "How was the photo shoot and the interview?" With a sigh you plopped down on the sofa, where Miku was sitting with a book in her hands. "Exhausting." Putting the book aside, she asked, "And where's Len?" "Don't know. I guess he went into his room." Looking around, you noticed that no one else was there. "Where are the others?" "Rin, Luka and Meiko are practicing for the concert and Kaito's in his room. He said he wants to work on a new song." "Oh, okay." "Say, do you already have plans for tonight?", she asked with a smile present on her face. "Not really. Why do you ask?" "The others and me want to go out for some karaoke. You want to join us?" You thought about it for a moment, but decided to decline her offer. "Gome ne, but I'm not really in the mood for karaoke. Besides, I still have to finish a song." She heaved a sigh, her smile fading. "What a pity." "Maybe next time." You stood up and stretched yourself, before looking at her once more. "Anyway, I think I'll go to Kaito and see how he's doing." "Alrighty~" Grabbing the book, she turned her attention back to it and started to read again. Walking upstairs, you made your way to your own room first. There you placed your bag on the chair and took off your coat. Then you left the room again, closing the door and walking to Kaito. Softly you knocked against his door. "Come in~" Opening the door, you stepped into his room, seeing him sitting at his desk. "Hey." Turning his head towards you, he smiled. "Oh, you're back? How was it?" "Please, don't ask.", you said as you sat yourself down on his soft bed. He put his pen aside and turned himself fully towards you. "Why? Did something happen?" A sigh slipped from your lips. "You could say so." He rose from his seat, walking to you. "I quickly get the ice cream, then we can talk, okay?" You nodded, whereupon the Vocaloid left his room. Allowing yourself to fall back, you laid down on his bed. Recalling what had happened in the park with the male Kagamine, you slowly raised your hand and touched your lips. "I can't believe I really did this..." You covered your eyes with your arm. "How pathetic am I? First I claimed that I'm over him and in the next moment I'm the one, who kissed him." And this kiss still lingered on your lips and you just couldn't forget the way he was holding you. "Why do I still feel so safe in his arms?"

Suddenly hearing how someone was opening the door, you quickly sat up again. You met the blue haired male's gaze as he smiled brightly, walking to you and handing you a little cup of his beloved snack and a spoon. "Arigato." Plopping down beside you, he started to eat his ice cream. "I'm all ears now, (y/n)." "Well, where should I start? First there was this strange photographer." "The one, who took the photos of Len?" You nodded as a spoon of ice cream disappeared in your mouth. "He asked me, if I'm a model and then said that he'd like to have a photo shoot with me. I mean, he was really nice, but in some way he was also... strange? I really don't know." Kaito raised an brow. "But isn't it a compliment when he thinks of you as a model?" "Sure, but as I met him again after the photo shoot, he kissed my hand without any warning and said he'd prefer to talk to me instead of having another photo shoot with a model." A smile tucked at the corner of his lips. "I guess he just liked you. That's all, (y/n)." "Nonetheless it was strange. He even gave me his business card and said I should call him, if I want to play the model for him." "Maybe you should accept his offer. Getting a professional photo shoot is pretty cool." You sighed, before taking another spoon full of ice cream. "Maybe I'll think about it." "And what else happened?" "This stupid interview. Len asked me to stay by his side during the interview and although I knew that it was a bad idea, I stayed. Eventually the interviewer talked about him and me and our relationship and she even started to ask me questions. I really don't know why, but somehow this was too much for me and then I just left. I felt so uncomfortable, speaking about Len and me." Your gaze dropped and you stared at the ice cream in your hands. "I'm sorry, (y/n). But Len should have known that something like this will happen when you're present. It's really not okay of him." You sighed once more. "Sure, but I don't blame him. In the end, I was the one, who stayed. It's not his fault at all." "Don't do that, (y/n)." Confused you looked back at him. "What do you mean?" "You think that it's your fault, that something like this happened, don't you? You're always taking the blame on you and that's absolutely not okay." "But I did -" Suddenly he shoved a spoon of ice cream into your mouth. "No, it's not your fault." You gulped down the ice cream, coughing right afterwards as some tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. "Hey, that was not fair, Kaito! I nearly choked!" He just grinned at you. "Oh, c'mon, that wouldn't have happened. I would be here to save you~" You glared at him as you nudged him. "Idiot." Like a child he stuck out his tongue towards you and you couldn't help but let a giggle escape your lips.

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