Even when your heart is broken, sometimes you can't give up on this one love.

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Silently you were sitting on the sofa in the room, where Len was giving his interview right now. He was sitting next to you, while the interviewer was sitting across from the both of you. Actually you didn't wanted to be present while he was giving his interview. But since he had asked you to stay by his side, you had no other choice. It was your job to do everything that makes him feel comfortable. So now here you were, listening to the both of them while hoping that this would be over soon. The young woman asked him everything about the coming christmas concert and if there would be new songs of him. Of course he always answered her questions with a smile on his face. "Speaking of new songs. Some fans of you would like to know if there's something or someone, who inspired you." "Well, there is this special person in my life, who's very dear to me. She always supports me and helps me whenever I need her. You could say, that she's the inspiration for my songs." "He isn't speaking of me, is he?", you thought and glanced at the idol. "Are you speaking of your twin sister; Rin Kagamine?" A small chuckle left his lips. "No, but of course she's an important part of my life as well." "I'm sure many of us would like to know who this special person is. Would you like to tell us?" Placing his index finger in front of his lips, he tilted his head a bit. "No, because that's a secret." "I'm sure you already heard about it, but lastly there are some rumors about you and (l/n) (y/n) and the end of your relationship." Your body tensed up at the mention of your name. "Why did she had to bring up that now?" For a short moment the blonde looked at you, before drawing his gaze back. "There are a lot of fans, who would like to know what was the true reason, which leaded to the end of your relationship." "Some people are meant to be together and some are not. It seems like the latter applies to us. More I don't have to say." "Maybe (l/n)-san would like to tell us more." Her gaze drifted towards you, but you just shook your head. "It's like Kagamine-san said. We just weren't meant to be together. But we're still working partners. It's my duty to support him, just like I support the other Vocaloids." "But isn't it odd to work together with your former lover?" Len shook his head side by side. "Not at all. We still get along very well. I guess you could say that we're like friends now." "Good lie.", you thought to yourself. "And now that you're single again; Is there any chance that someone could win your heart?" He smiled at her. "I want to be honest with you. There's already someone, who claims my heart." "...Someone, who claims his heart? Are you speaking of me or did you already fall in love with someone else, Len?" You averted your gaze to the ground, not understanding why you didn't like the thought of him loving someone else.

"That's very interesting. But you're still not in a relationship with this person?" "Not yet, though I hope that'll change soon." You heaved a quiet sigh as she looked at you again. "Then I'd like to ask you one more question, (l/n)-san. How do you feel, when you hear something like that? Are you happy, that he found love again?" You met her gaze. "I thought this is an interview about Kagamine-san and not me, or am I wrong?" "It certainly is. But I'm sure many people would like to know your opinion as well." "I'm very sorry, but I don't want to share my opinion with the world. So, if you'll excuse me now." Suddenly you stood up, grabbed your bag and walked to the door as you couldn't take this anymore. Somehow this was all way too much for you. You were confused, not understanding yourself at all. Why was it so hard for you, if Len was really in love with someone else? And why couldn't you finally let go of those feelings? Just why were you still hoping, that everything would be alright again, though you knew that there would be no happy ending for you? You couldn't forget what he had done and you also couldn't forgive him. Your feelings were a mess and so were you.

Surprised the young female looked after you while Len was staring at the ground, feeling somehow guilty. "I should have known that this will happen. I'm sorry for asking you to stay by my side, (y/n)." You left the room and closed the door, leaning yourself against it. "I knew that this was a bad idea.", you whispered as suddenly someone spoke up. "(l/n)-san?" You looked at the owner of the voice, seeing Ryouta. "Oh, Ryouta-san." "Are you alright? You look quite exhausted." You forced a smile on your face. "Hai, hai. Everything's alright." "Are you sure?" "Hai." He flashed you a smile. "Okay, if you say so." "And what about you? Are you done with work?" A sigh slipped from his lips. "Unfortunately there's another photo shoot waiting for me. So I have to go now. Though I'd prefer to talk to you than to make photos of some model." Confusion written all over your pretty face, you looked at him questioningly. "Why's that?" "I guess you could say that I like your presence. It's somehow calming. Anyway, I should hurry." Suddenly he grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand. "I hope, we'll see each other again very soon." Stunned and with pink tinted cheeks you stared at him wide-eyed. "And don't forget to think about my offer." He winked at you, before taking his leave. Speechless you watched him walking away. "W-what just happened? Why did he... just what was that?!" Heaving a deep sigh, you shook your head. "Are all young photographer like this, when they meet someone they'd like to have as a photo model?" All of a sudden the door, which you still leaned yourself against it, opened. You yelped and tried to keep your balance, but of course failed miserably. Feeling yourself falling to the ground, you shut your eyes, but the impact never come. Instead two arms wrapped themselves around your figure, keeping you from hitting the hard floor. Surprised you opened your eyes and looked at your savior. The idol sighed in relief, before meeting your gaze, his eyes full of worry. "That was close. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Staring in those electric blue eyes, you felt your heartbeat quicken. "No, stay strong, (y/n). Don't let your feelings get the best of you." Quickly you pushed him away from you. "I-I'm alright, no need to worry." The interviewer watched the both of you silently as a smirk appeared on her face. She grabbed her things, then made her way towards Len and you, flashing you both a smile. "Thank you for your time and the interesting interview." Quickly she bowed, before meeting your gazes again. "I'm taking my leave now." The blonde and you followed her action and bowed to her as well. "It was a pleasure for us. We wish you a wonderful way.", the both of you said in unison. She left the room and as soon as the door was shut, you released a sigh. "Finally we're done. Time to go home." You pulled out your phone to call your driver, but Len stopped you and grabbed your arm gently. Your eyes found his as he said, "I'd like to have some alone time with you, before we go back." You narrowed your eyes and took a step back. "No.", was all you said and then you called Kosuke. "Don't say you're already done, (y/n).", was the first thing you heard. "Ano... actually we're done and ready to be picked up." "Gomen ne, but I can't get the both of you now. I'm in the neighboring city right now and will be able to come back in about an hour or two." "Nani?! Are you kidding me?" "Unfortunately it's true. I'm trying to hurry, okay?" "...Alright." Hanging up, you stuffed you phone in your pocket again. "What's wrong?", asked the blonde. "In about one or two hours he'll pick up us, until then we have to kill time." The corner of his lips twitched into a smile. "Seems like I get my alone time with you then." And he knew exactly what he wanted to do with you. Just a short walk from the photo studio away, there was a special place and that's where he wanted to go with you.

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