Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.

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Three weeks passed since the day you promised yourself to stop loving the young idol. But you had to admit, you still couldn't keep that promise. Although the pain in your heart eased, it was still broken and longed for Len's love. You just couldn't get rid of this feelings for him. However, somehow you managed to deal with it. At least you were finally able to be in one room with him, without your feelings going crazy. Though it was still hard for you, when he wanted to talk to you about everything. He just couldn't give up on you and the relationship you both had. Besides, he still wasn't able to tell you the truth reason why he made this big mistake. So everytime when he thought that it would be the perfect chance, he tried everything to talk to you alone. But of course you always blocked up and in the end you ignored him. He could feel that you've distanced yourself from him. You even stopped calling him by his frist name, acting like the both of you were nothing more but strangers. It pained him and if he were honest, he felt so absolutely hopeless. What should he do to make you see that he really loves you and simply can't live without you and your love? He couldn't find an answer and slowly it was tearing him apart.

"Ne, (y/n)?", the female Kagamine spoke up while throwing an orange in the air, before catching it once again. "Mhm?" You averted your gaze from the music sheet in front of you and looked at your friend, who was sitting across from you. "I'm bored.", she stated, now supporting her cheek on top of her hand. You heaved a sigh, then looked back at the sheet. "Then do something against it, Rin." "But (y/n)~, she whined, earning another sigh from you. "Sorry, but I have to finish this song here. Why don't you ask Miku or someone else if they have time for you?" "Because I want to hang out with my cute little (y/n)." "Rin, it's enough.", the male Kagamine spoke up. She glared at her twin brother, who was sitting on an armchair in the corner of the living room, with his gaze fixed on the phone in his hand. "You're just annoying her." "Says who?" "I'm saying this. So let her work on the song and stop distracting her." She crossed her arms above her chest, turning her head to the side with a pout plastered on her face. "As if I'm distracting her." "You actually do.", you spoke up while writing down the lyrics for the new song. In a flash her gaze met your figure, her mouth agape. You squinted up at her. "Don't look at me like that. It's true, Rin." The pout on her face returned, then her gaze wandered back and forth between Len and you. "You both are absolutely no fun!" "Whatever.", commented her twin brother. "You both were more funny as you were still a couple. I really miss this time." As soon as you heard her saying this, your body tensed up and your hand stopped writing. Len sighed sadly, lowering his head. "I miss this time as well.", he mumbled to himself. His twin sister grabbed her beloved orange, before leaving you both alone without saying anything further. Slowly the blonde idol turned his head towards you, watching you as you shook your head and then continued your work.

Minutes passed as he couldn't take his eyes off you, asking himself if he should talk to you or rather not. "Maybe she'll listen to me now." Eventually he averted his gaze from you and stood up. He shoved his phone in his pocket, then approached you slowly. "(y/n)?" "Mhm?", you hummed in response, not looking up. "Do you think we can -" "No, I have no time to talk now, Kagamine-san.", you interrupted him, finally meeting his gaze. The way you looked at him pained him. Your eyes were cold, distant and all the love, he usually could see in them, was gone. Once more a sad sigh slipped from his lips. "Alright. Sorry, for bothering you." He turned himself away from you, but a little flame of hope lit up inside him as he heard you calling out to him. "Wait." His lips curled into a small smile and quickly he faced you again. "I still need to know which songs you want to sing at the christmas concert. Please, think about it and then let me know." And with that his flame of hope dyed down, his smile fading. "Hai." You drawn your gaze back, paying no attention to him any longer as your eyes scanned over the lyrics of the song. To tell the truth, it was a sad, heartbreaking song. While writing it, you poured your heart out, putting all your emotions into it. Somehow it helped you to process your feelings and slowly you could move on. Even if it was just a little tiny bit.

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