The things we take for granted, we can sometimes lose.

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The snowflakes hit your face as you were running through the streets. Small bursts of steam came from your mouth as your warm breath met the cold air. Your cheeks and the tip of your nose were already red, but you kept on running, searching everywhere for the missing Vocaloid. For a short moment you stopped and tried to catch your breath as you looked around, hoping you would see him anywhere. But nowhere was a sign of the male Kagamine. "Dammit, where are you, Len?" You ran again, getting strange looks from the people you were passing by, but you couldn't care less. Right now, you just wanted to find Len. Eventually you reached an abandoned playground and as your eyes catch sight of this familiar blonde hair, you came to a halt. "Len!" You wanted to ran straight to him and hug the hell out of him, because you were so happy and so relieved that you finally found him. But you couldn't do that. Not after everything that had happened. So you tried to stay calm and to act as normal as possible. Totally out of breath, you made your way towards the pair of swings. "So that's where you are." Len's head shot up and his eyes, which were glued to the ground just a second ago, were now on you. "(y/n)?" Quickly he averted his gaze from you again. "What are you doing here?" You sat yourself down at the swing next to him. "I was searching for you. Rin was really worried, because you didn't come back home." Hesitantly he turned his head, looking at you once more. "I should inform the others that I found you, so that they can stop searching." You pulled out your phone and decided to call Kaito, because Rin probably won't pick up your call after what had happened. "Moshi Moshi." "Kaito? It's me, (y/n). I found Len." "You found him? Yokatta!" "Hai. So could you please tell everyone that they can stop searching?" "Sure! See you at home then." And with that, he hang up and you shoved your phone back in your pocket. Your gaze wandered up to the sky, your eyes watching the snowflakes falling down on you. "I'm sorry, (y/n).", the idol suddenly spoke up. You lowered your head again, but didn't look at him. "I've let my feelings get the best of me and totally lost control. It was wrong of me to attack him. I'm really sorry." "You should rather apologize to him and not to me." A quiet sigh escaped his lips and he turned his gaze towards the ground again. "I know."

Silence fell between the both of you, but after just a few moments, the blonde spoke up again. "Hey, (y/n)?" "Mhm?" "If something happens to me; If I would suddenly disappear from this world, would you be sad?" A frown settled on your face and confused you looked at him, but he didn't met your gaze. "Why do you ask? Did something happen?" "Well, I got nearly hit by a truck and th -" "Nani?!" Your eyes went wide. "You got nearly hit by a truck?!" He could feel your eyes on him, but he didn't look your way. "Yeah... I wanted to cross the street without looking up. But I stepped back just in time so that nothing could happen." Suddenly you slapped the back of his head and shocked he looked at you. "You're such an idiot, Len! You have to be more careful! What if something had happened? You could be dead now!" The thought of losing him forever, just like you lost your parents, brought tears to your eyes. You didn't want to live in a world without the blonde idol. "I can't take this anymore. All those stupid lies! I just need him in my life!" You averted your gaze from him, staring down at the ground. As you pressed your eyelids together, the tears escaped from your eyes and trailed down your cheeks. "Of course I would be sad, if you'd suddenly disappear from this world! What are we supposed to do without you? Just what am I supposed to do without... you? God dammit, I still lov -" You stopped yourself, before you could say it; before you could say, how much you still love him. Your eyes snapped open and you turned your head to look at him. Len stared at you wide-eyed, his lips slightly parted. "W-what I mean -" "No, what were you about to say, (y/n)?" Quickly you turned your head away again. "I... I still care about you, okay?" "That's not what you wanted to say." "That's exactly what I wanted to say!" "(y/n), look at me." Shaking your head, you refused to met his gaze. But all of a sudden he grabbed your swing and pulled it towards him. His other hand grabbed you chin and he made you look back at him. His blue eyes stared right into your (e/c) ones and you just couldn't look away. "Were you about to say, that you still love me?" "N-no." "Liar." He brought his face closer to yours. "This is your last chance. I'll kiss you now and if you don't stop me, then I won't believe you, that you're no longer in love with me. But if you stop me, then I'll give up. I'll give up on you and on us and I'll move on." To you, it seemed like time had stopped. What should you do? You didn't want to stop him, you were craving for his love. So were you finally ready to give him a second chance? "He'll hurt you again, believe me. You just have to end this, before it's too late." Suddenly Ryouta's words found their way back into your head. You watched Len's face moving closer and closer to yours. But then, although you actually didn't want to, you raised your hand and grabbed his, which was still holding your chin. "Stop it, Len." Immediately he stopped and just stared in your eyes. "So, that's your decision?" He let go of your chin and you turned your head away, nodding faintly. "Alright." He also let go of your swing and then stood up. "Then let's go home now, (y/n)." "H-hai." You stood up as well and then you two started your way back to the Vocaloid mansion.

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