No matter how much we want it. Some stories just don't have a happy ending.

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"Len?", his twin sister spoke up, looking at him quite confused. The blonde male turned back to his friends and looked at them. "Could you please tell us what's going on? (y/n) would never do something like that." "It's pretty obvious that she lied.", stated Miku, who actually saw the tears, which you wanted to hide. Len wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Should he tell his friends the true? Tell them, that it was all his fault alone? It would be the right thing to do, but right now there was only one thing on his mind. He wanted to know why you lied for him, though he had hurt you so much. "Of course (y/n) hasn't done anything like that!", he said eventually. Then he turned around again and quickly ran after you. "Matte!", called his sister out, but he didn't stop. He ran to the elevator and rushed into it, nearly bumping into some other guests of the hotel. As he reached the 5th floor, he stepped outside and then ran to his hotel room, hoping that he would find you there. Quickly he pulled out the key and opened the door. "(y/n)?" No response. He shut the door and walked into the room. His blue eyes landed on you as you were sitting on the bed, your face buried into your hands. Slowly he walked towards you, before kneeling down in front of you. Carefully he placed his hand on top of your knees. "(y/n)?" "W-what do you want?", you asked, your voice hoarse from all the crying. "Please, look at me." "No, just leave me alone." Gently he grabbed your wrists, pulling down your hands and to his surprise, you didn't fight back. However, your gaze never met him.

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" "You want to know why?" Lastly you looked at him as a sad smile found its way to your lips. "Because I'm dumb enough to still care about you. Because I'm afraid that your stupid actions will ruin your friendship with the others and also your career as a Vocaloid. And... because I love you." Speechless the blonde idol looked at you as you averted your gaze from him, the smile fading. "But I'll never forgive you." All of a sudden he grabbed your arm and pulled you down towards him, before wrapping his arms around you. At first you were shocked, but then you tried to push him away from you, the anger suddenly stronger than the sadness itself. "Let me go!" But his arms tighten around you as he nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck, his hair tickling your skin. "I-I'm sorry... so sorry." "I don't care if you're sorry or not! Let me finally go!" You struggled against him, eventually breaking free from his embrace, before slapping him in the face. "Don't touch me ever again!" He raised his hand, holding his now red cheek as you stood up and looked down at him. "It's like I've said, I'm done with you and I'll never forgive you." "But I've done this all just to protect you!", he exclaimed and stood up as well. "You've slept with another women, just to protect me? That's ridiculous!" "But it's true! Besides, there was nothing between her and me! I only kissed her, nothing more happened! And I truly regret what I've done!" "You really think that I would believe you?!" "Please, (y/n). You have to believe me!" With every word the both of you were speaking, your voices became louder and louder and in the end, Len and you argued with each other. "I will never ever believe you again! You promised me so much and in the end you've done nothing more than to break my heart! I really loved you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you! I gave up everything, just for you, you stupid idiot!" Your words hurt him, but if you were honest, right now you didn't care about that. "Do you really think that I wanted this all?! That I wanted to hurt you?! Dammit, I love you, (y/n)!" "If you would love me, you haven't done this!" "But I already told you that I regret it!" A bitter laugh escaped from your lips. "Yeah, you regret it... sure. Wanna know what I regret?" You stared into his eyes as you said, "I regret falling in love with someone like you." Abruptly he grabbed you by your shoulders and drawn you towards him, suddenly pressing his lips against yours. Wide-eyed you looked at him, your body paralyzed. Your heart started racing and all your anger vanished. Once more tears welled up in your eyes and rolled down your cheeks as you closed your eyes slowly. Len wrapped his arms around you, holding you close and making sure you won't back away from him. Though you wanted nothing more than to push him away, you just couldn't. Your body wasn't willing to obey and in the end you even melted into this bittersweet kiss.

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