The choice is hard, but sometimes it is best if we just break apart.

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The sun shone through your window as you sat on the large windowsill, staring outside. It was a beautiful day, not a single cloud be seen. On days like this, it was hard to believe that it was already november. But the coldness was a great reminder that it'd be soon winter. Very soon snowflakes would be dancing gracefully to the ground, covering everything in a beautiful white. White; the colour of purity and innocence. It reminded you that you lost everything of that a long time ago. You weren't pure, nor innocent. Too much lies already escaped your lips. Too much people were hurt by you. Back then, as you were still a child, your mother always called you a little angel. With that unspoiled smile of yours, you always helped everyone in distress. You wanted to make the world a better place, although you were merely at the age of six. But over the time you had to see more and more, how corrupted mankind really was. Everyone lied and everyone was hurting people, just to get what they wanted the most. Humanity was selfish. In the end you got lost on the path of purity and followed everyone else, starting to tell lies and to hurt other ones. But no one could blame you for this, because that was the way mankind truly was. You even hurted the one, who owned your heart. Despite the fact that you loved him with every fiber of your being, you lied to him. But you never knew that he still saw your pure and innocent soul. In his eyes you were far away from being impure or tainted. Nonetheless you thought of yourself as a terrible human being. But maybe you were just too harsh to yourself. After all, you had those wonderful friends around you, who loved you with their whole heart. They cared for you and you cared for them. If life was blessing you with such loving people, how awful could you really be?

You didn't notice that the door of your bathroom were opened by someone. The blonde idol stepped back into your room and closed the door behind him, before his eyes found your sitting figure. He smiled to himself and slowly approached you. "(y/n)?" Startled you turned your head, finally noticing him. A chuckle slipped from his lips and he tilted his head cutely. "Did I scare you?" "Y-yeah, a bit." Just now you noticed his exposed chest and instantly an adorable shade of pink tinted your cheeks. "Why does he have to look so damn sexy?", you asked yourself and quickly averted your gaze from him. He took a further step towards you and leaned himself a bit forward, staring outside as well. His scent tickled your nose, making your heart flutter. "Something interesting out there?" Your voice got stuck in your throat and you just shook your head. Suddenly Len grabbed your feet, which you had placed comfortably on the windowsill until now and lifted them up a bit, before sitting down as well. He leaned his back against the pane of your window and placed your feet on top of his thighs. You turned your head to face him. "You'll catch a cold when you're sitting there like that, you know?" He met your gaze, a grin appearing on his face. "Aww~ Are you worried about me?" You looked out of the window again, the blush on your cheeks deepening. "O-of course. You have to attend the rehearsals for the concert and you won't be able to do so when you're sick." A pout settled on his face. "This is the only reason why you're worried?" You didn't answer his question and soon his chuckle filled your ears. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." "If you say so." He started to stroke your legs, leaning the back of his head against your window as well. "And? Did you manage to finish the song you were working on recently?" A sigh slipped from your lips as you remembered that you haven't worked on it lately. "Not really. I hope manager won't be all to mad at me." "Believe me, he won't. He even said you can take your time, didn't he? So don't worry so much." "Easier said than done. I just wanted to finish the song in time so that one of you could sing it at the christmas concert. But it seems like this won't happen." A hint of disappointment was in your voice. "It's not decided yet, who'll sing the song?" "No, but I think Luka's voice would fit the song." "She'd surely be happy, if she gets the chance to sing your song." Turning your head to look at him, a smile found its way to your lips. "You think so?"

Suddenly there was a knock at your door, interrupting your conversation with Len. "Come in~!", you called out to whoever was standing on the other side. Someone opened the door a bit and stuck their head through the crack. "Ohayo, (y/n)! Do you know wher —" The female Kagamine interrupted herself as her eyes catched sight of her twin brother and you. She opened the door fully and leaned herself against the door frame, a smirk settling on her face. "Oh, that's where you are." He beamed at her and you smiled. Then she noticed that her brother still wasn't wearing a shirt. She gasped and pushed herself away from the door frame. "Oh, no! Did I interrupt something dirty here?" Your cheeks flushed and you shook your head wildly. "No!" But Len just smirked like his sister did a few seconds ago and one of his hands wandered up to your thighs. "No need to deny it, (y/n). Just admit that we were about to make lo —" You stopped him with a kick to his arm. "Sh-shut up, Len!" "Itai!", he exclaimed and rubbed his arm in pain. A giggle slipped from Rin's lips, before she gave you a thumbs up. "That was great, (y/n)." You flashed her a grin. "Somehow it felt really good to kick him. Anyway, is there something you want from me?" "You're cruel, (y/n).", stated Len with a pout on his face, but he got ignored by the both of you. "I just wanted to let the both of you know that breakfast's ready. The others are already waiting downstairs." "Okay, we're coming." You brought your feet to the floor and stood up. Rin already walked ahead, leaving you alone with Len. As you were about to follow your friend, the blonde Vocaloid suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, drawing you in his lap. Surprised you looked at him, feeling your heart beating against your chest. In the next moment, he was hiding his smiling face in the crook of your neck. His soft lips were brushing against your skin as he spoke up. "I'm really happy right now." "L-Len?" "Can we stay like this for just a bit longer? Please?" Your eyes widened somewhat, the blush on your face was becoming worse. While your mind was screaming to push him away from you, you didn't found the strength to do so. Your body wasn't willing to obey. "Since yesterday you're not avoiding me and neither pushing me away from you. That makes me really happy, you know? To talk to you like this again is just... wonderful." His warm breath tickled your skin and a shiver ran down your spine. You wanted to say something, but no word came upon your lips. Instead you raised your hand and placed it on the back of his head. Eventually your small fingers began to play with his ponytail and you couldn't help, but smile to yourself. "Why's this feeling so right? I wanted to stop this, but yet here I am, enjoying this moment." And of course you weren't the only one, who was enjoying this. Although he knew that he still had gotn't another chance from you, he loved the feeling of being close to you. The fact that you didn't push him away, like you did so often, filled his heart with joy. His feelings never changed and he wasn't afraid to show you this. "Can you promise me something?" He raised his head again to look in your eyes. Cupping your cheeks with his hand, he smiled at you sweetly. "Promise me that, no matter what will happen, you won't forget how much you mean to me." A second or two passed, before you buried your face into his shoulder. "I... I promise it."

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