Lovers have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.

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Morning had come and slowly you were waking from your peaceful slumber. You opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was your ex-lover; Len. He was still sound asleep, holding you in his arms. You stared at him and admired his face. Ever so slowly you raised your hand and carefully brushed the soft strands of his blonde hair out of his face, but they just fell back into place. He stirred a bit as he suddenly mumbled something. "(y/n)... don't...." Startled you drawn your hand back. "Did I wake him?" But to your luck, he was still lost in his world of dreams. A quiet sigh left your lips and eventually you decided to stand up. Carefully you sneaked out of his arms, trying not to wake him. As soon as you left his arms, the blonde suddenly turned to the other side, snuggling himself up in your blanket. Still sitting on the edge of your bed, your hand reached out towards him. Gently you let your fingers glide through his ponytail, before leaning towards him until your lips where right beside his ear. "Thank you, Len.", you whispered softly. Then you stood up and grabbed some new clothes. Right afterwards you went to the door, which seperated your own bathroom from your room. Glancing one last time at the idol, you didn't notice that his eyes were half open. He heard how you entered your bathroom and as you shut the door behind you, he whispered sleepily, "You don't need to thank me." "I would do everything just for you, (y/n)." With a smile on his face he went back to sleep, dreaming of the day when the both of you would be lovers again.

You stood in front of the mirror in your bathroom, staring at your reflection as suddenly everything was coming back to you. The two police officers which informed you of the death of your beloved parents. Tears bricked at the corner of your eyes and soon streamed down you face. "Mum... Dad." Quickly you wiped the tears away, shaking your head. "N-no, I... I need to stay strong." Turning yourself away from the mirror, you walked to the window. You stared up at the gloomy sky. Dark clouds were hiding the sun, ready to bring rain every minute. "It hurts so much, but I'll stay strong... for the both of you." The last tears escaped from your eyes. "I love you, Mum. I love you, Dad. One day we'll see each other again."


After you did your morning routine, you went back into your room. Your eyes landed on Len, who was still laying in your bed. "That he really stayed with me, though I was so harsh to him. I really need to thank him." You grabbed your phone from the nightstand, looking at the time. "It's nearly 8 a.m. Usually he didn't wake up before it's, thus I should have enough time." With that on your mind, you left your room quietly. You walked to the kitchen and decided to make Len's favourite breakfast for him; Banana Pancakes. Putting on the apron, you grabbed everything you needed and started right away. You whisked all the ingredients, until you had a flour mixture. Then you started to mash a banana with sugar, before stirring it in buttermilk, eggs, butter, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Lastly you stirred the banana mixture into the flour mixture. "That's done. Now I need a pan." You grabbed one from the kitchen cupboard and placed it on the stove. Giving butter to the pan, you turned on the stove. "Ohayo, (y/n)~", suddenly someone spoke up. You turned around and saw the female Kagamine. "Ohayo, Rin.", you greeted her, then turned your attention back to the pan, giving the batter to it. "Making breakfast for your lover?", she asked with a smirk present on her face. Meeting her gaze once again, you looked at her questioningly. "Huh? What do you mean?" She slapped your shoulder in a friendly manner. "Oh, c'mon~ Don't act so innocent. You know what I mean." "I truly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.", you said, flipping the pancake. "I mean Len and you, being together again. I saw the both of you yesterday as I was about to ask you, if you knew where Len is, because he wasn't in his room. But then I found you and him cuddled up in your bed. You know, I'm really happy that you two found together again." Sighing, you placed the finished pancake on a plate, before starting to make a new one. "Sorry, but you misunderstand this, Rin." "Huh? What's there to misunderstand?", she asked clearly confused. Your grip on the pan tighten. "He was just staying by my side, because..." You fell silent, feeling at the verge of crying again. "(y/n)?" Now she looked at you worriedly, seeing the tears slowly welling up in your eyes. "What's wrong?" Quickly you rubbed your eyes and tried to hold back the tears. "Yesterday, while you and the others were gone, the police came and told me that my parents... died." Her blue orbs widened in shock. "W-what...?" "They died in an car accident. I was such a crying mess. That's why Len was with me the last night." "Oh, (y/n). I'm so sorry." She wrapped her arms around you, giving you a loving hug. For a brief moment you returned her hug, before going back to make the pancakes. "I... I still can't belive that they're gone forever." You wiped a tear away, which escaped your eye. "But I know that I have to be strong. Mum and Dad wouldn't have wanted that I cry so much."

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