The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.

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Today was christmas; A day, everyone was spending with their loved ones. No matter how cruel the world sometimes could be, today nearly everyone's heart was filled with nothing but happiness and joy. Family, friends and lovers, they all celebrated the feast of love together. The sun was slowly rising on this beautiful day. A few clouds covered the sky, but nonetheless the sunbeams found their way down on earth, shining on the snow and making it twinkle like millions of little diamonds. The young idol slowly awoke from his peaceful slumber and opened his eyes. "Today... I'm going to talk to her and then I'll make her mine again.", this was the first thought he had on this magical day. With a smile on his face he sat up and turned his head to look at the digital clock on his nightstand. "8:37 a.m. I hope she's already awake." Stretching himself, he then brought his bare feet to the floor and stood up. He went to his wardrobe and grabbed his outfit for the day. Humming to himself happily, he made his way towards his bathroom to start his morning routine. Brushing teeth, taking a shower, bringing his hair into its infamous ponytail and getting dressed. After everything was done, he went back into his room and grabbed his fedora, placing it on top of his head. Satisfied he looked at his mirror image and gave himself a nod. "Perfect." He couldn't help but feel happy. Hope filled his heart and now, after he knew that everything was just a stupid lie, he was determined to get you back. He was so sure that today was the day he would finally hold you in his arms again. Hopefully he won't get disappointed again. With a smile plastered on his face he left his room and went downstairs, hoping he would find you there. The living room was empty, but he could hear voices coming from the kitchen. So that's where he went. "Ohayo~", he greeted his friends. Kaito, Miku and his sister turned their heads towards him and they all flashed him a smile. "Ohayo, Len~!", they exclaimed in unison. "Where are the others?" "Meiko and Luka are still asleep.", informed him Kaito. "And (y/n)?" Suddenly all their smiles vanished. "Well...", Miku began. "It seems like she went out. As I wanted to get my scarf, he wasn't there anymore and I noticed that her shoes were gone as well." His smile slowly faded. "Do you have any idea where she could be?" They all shook their heads. "But I guess she went out pretty early. I'm already awake since 6 a.m and I haven't seen or heard her all the time.", Kaito added and a frown settled on the idol's face. "But why did she went out so early?" Rin placed a hand on her brother's shoulder. "No need to worry. I'm sure she's back soon. Anyway, what do you want from her?" "I... I just wanted to ask her something." A smirk appeared on her face. "Ask her what, Lenny?" He pushed her hand away. "I already told you that you shall stop calling me Lenny! And don't smirk at me like that! Anyway, I'm back in my room. Call me when breakfast's ready." And with that, he turned around and made his way back to his room. "Dammit, where's she? Hopefully this stupid photographer has nothing to do with it." The three watched the blonde walk away, before Miku complained, "At least he could have helped us with the breakfast."

You didn't went back home the last night and still wandered through the town. So much was on your mind and you didn't know what to do. Since your conversation wit Kaori, you were arguing with yourself if it was the right thing to give the blonde Vocaloid another chance or not. After you heard that he still loves you, you had no doubt anymore. You admitted to yourself that you still felt the same. Your heart belonged to him, but you weren't sure. Would he really hurt you again? Yes, you were afraid. All those days and nights you were crying, you didn't want that anymore. You were sick of it. But would you really find happiness with him again? The answer was still a secret to you, but hopefully you'll find it soon.
After some time of walking, you found yourself standing in front of the cemetery. Step for step you went down the snow covered path, passing by some graves, until you stopped in front of one. "Hey Mum... Hey Dad." Staring at the grave stone, you felt sadness wrapping around your heart. "Everything alright up there?" You waited for an answer, but of course you didn't get one. Nonetheless you continued to talk like they were really there, like they were listening to your words. "I miss you and to be honest, I could really need the both of you by my side now..." Your fingers clenched to fists and slowly tears welled up in your eyes. "I'm just so confused right now and don't know what to do." Quickly you wiped a tear away, which escaped from your eye. "Do you remember the time I told you that I broke up with Len? I never told you the reason for it, but... that doesn't matter right now. It seems like he still loves me and... apparently I'm still in love him as well. I tried to deny it, but meanwhile I accepted it. I can't lie to myself any longer and now I don't know what I should do." By now the tears trailed down your cheeks, but you didn't bother to wipe them away. You couldn't stop them anyway. "He was hurting me so much and now I'm afraid that he'll do it again. I-I don't wanna end up being hurt again..." Burying your face into your cold hands, a sob escaped your lips. "Should I-I really give us another chance? Please, help me to find an answer."

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