No matter what we do, our love will never die.

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It seemed like time had stopped and your whole body felt numb. The only thing you could feel were his soft lips upon yours and your heart, which was racing a million miles per second. Your mind was completely blank and you didn't understand why Len was kissing you. Just what were you supposed to do know? You couldn't push him away, you just hadn't the strength to do so. But eventually he broke the kiss, his face still so close that you could feel his warm breath on your skin. He stared into your eyes while caging you between his arms, taking away every opportunity to flee from him. Faintly you could hear the music and the others talking downstairs, but between the both of you, it was completely silent. Then he leaned in once more, but he didn't kiss you and his eyes were still glued to yours. "Kiss me.", he demanded with a voice that send chills down your spine. Your eyes went wide and your breath hitched. "No... this is wrong, so damn wrong. I can't kiss him." But despite this thought, you hadn't control over yourself anymore. Allowing your eyes to close themselves, you finally met his lips in a kiss full of passion. You slung your arms around the back of his neck and pressed yourself against him. His lips moved so perfectly against yours, like they belonged to each other and right now, you weren't thinking anymore. You just act. It was like you were on stage in a play and you didn't have time to think about what you're about to do next. You just did what was coming to your mind and hoped that it was the right thing. The kiss grew more intense and his hands wandered over your whole body. You couldn't describe what you felt in this moment. The only thing you knew, it was far beyond wonderful and you needed more of it. You were craving for him. But suddenly he broke the kiss once more and then grabbed you by your hand. Quickly he drawn you towards his bed, before pushing you down. He was now hovering over you, pure lust reflecting in his eyes.

Everything was close to frozen as you raised your hand and your fingers initiated the next steps; One button open, a second and then a third. Before you even noticed yourself what you were doing, you were confronted with a sight that brought up your naughtiest fantasies. Slowly you ran your fingers along his exposed chest, making him shiver under your touch. Oh, how much he needed you right now. He leaned down and trailed kisses along your neck right to your collarbone. Your breaths were stuck in your throat and slowly but surely you were losing your mind. Lastly a soft moan slipped from your lips, making him lose all his self control. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed your hand and pulled you up to a sitting position, before crashing his lips onto yours again. His hands wandered to your back and his fingers slowly unzipped your dress. Everything happened so fast, but at the same moment it felt like time passed by so slow. Gently he pushed you down again and once more his lips left yours. He stared in your eyes and you in his, the both of you panting heavily. "(y/n)..." The way he spoke your name was indescribable and just made you long for more. "Say my name, (y/n)." And without hesitation you obeyed him. "Len." "Please, say it again." It was like he had cast a spell on you and you were now fully under his control, doing everything he was asking you to do. "Len..." "Say that you need me." "I... I need you." And with that, he closed the distance between the both of you again, sealing your lips with his. You knew what would happen next and you also knew that this was wrong on so many levels, but you couldn't help it. Right now, he was everything you wanted and you were everything he wanted. The both of you already went too far and now there was no turning back anymore.


So, here you were now; Cuddled up to your ex-lover's bare body in sweaty sheets. While he was sound asleep, you finally realized what you had done and the guilt came crashing down on you like a heavy weight. Just what were you thinking? It took you so long to forgive him that he cheated on you and now? Now he did it again, but this time you were part of his sin. Were you regretting it? Kind of. Would you do it again? If you had to answer this question honestly; You absolutely didn't know. What happens once can happen twice and what happens twice can happen thrice. And if you remembered correctly, it already happened once. The day after your parents died, you allowed your feelings to take control over yourself and the end result was exact the same situation you were in now. So this was actually the second time and although you believed that you moved on, you did it again. But what would happen now? Would he again proclaim his love for you, hoping you would take him back? If so, would you give him another chance? Oh hell no, that wasn't going to happen. You were still trying to convince yourself that you had no longer feelings for him. Never would you admit, that you were falling for him all over again. Maybe you could just pretend that this never happened? Yes, that sounded like the perfect plan to you. Pretend that there was nothing between the both of you and just live your life like you did before.

Say you love me again [Kagamine Len x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now