Someone can choose to start loving, but can't choose to stop.

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You didn't know how much time passed, since you were sitting in the park, all by yourself. A shaky breath escaped from your lips as you looked up at the dark sky. "What should I do now?", you asked yourself, feeling completely hopeless. You had nowhere to go and you knew that you had to see the male Kagamine again, sooner or later. "To think that I gave up everything, just for him." It was true, you had given up everything, living just for him. He asked you to live with him and the other Vocaloids and suggested that you could work for them, so that the both of you could always be together. Of course you agreed happily and after you graduated from school, you moved out of your parents house and lived in the Vocaloid mansion. From that day on you started to work for your best friends. You helped them out with everything, being something like they're own personal assistant. If they needed help, you were right there, doing everything for them. They were like family to you. Especially Rin and Kaito, since you've known them since your childhood. But what were you supposed to do now? Could you continue your job and act as if nothing had happened? Could you still live in the Vocaloid mansion? And how would everyone react, once they knew what happened between Len and you? There were so many questions that have to be answered and to tell the truth, you were afraid what the answers might be.
You hang your head and wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to keep you warm as the cold autumn wind hit your sitting figure. A single leaf was dancing in the wind, eventually falling into your lap. For a few seconds you stared at it, before taking it in your hand. You hold it against the moonlight, admiring the crimson color as suddenly a memory flashed through your mind.


"... dakareteitai kanashimi ga sora ni kieru made.", Luka's voice echoed through the room, while you were sitting at the piano. The melody you were playing, slowly come to an end, before it was completely silent again. You turned your head, looking at Luka and flashing her a smile. "We've did it!" She shook her head side by side. "No, you did it, (y/n). Thanks to you I was able to finish the song." "But I was just helping out. You were the one, who created it." She smiled at you, placing a hand on top of your shoulder. "That's not true. We wrote the song together and I'm really grateful for your help. Domo arigato, (y/n)." Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the both of you turned your gazes towards it. "You can come in.", Luka spoke up. The door opened, revealing one of the Kagamine twins. "So, how's it going?" "Well, thanks to (y/n) here I was able to finish the song." Your pink haired friend patted your head, causing a giggle to slip from your lips. A grin spread upon the blonde's face. "I knew she could help you!" "It's really hard to believe that this was her first time that she helped to write a song. She's very talented." You hid your face behind your hands, your cheeks illuminated by a faint pink. "E-enough of that. I'm not that great." The male Kagamine walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "Don't lower yourself, love. You're amazing." Your heart started racing, the blush on your face deepening. Luka smiled at you both, then decided to leave Len and you alone. "I'm taking my leave now." You met her gaze, nodding. "Alright. See you later, Luka~" She left the room and closed the door behind her. Your lover set himself down beside you, leaning his head against your shoulder. "I'd like to hear the song." "Y-you don't want me to sing it, do you?" "That's exactly what I want.", he said, a smirk forming itself on his lips. "But, Len~", you whined, earning a small chuckle from him. "Please, love. Besides, your voice is beautiful." "No, it's not.", you protested as he just looked at you like a little helpless puppy. For a few seconds you stared at him, willing not to give in. But eventually you couldn't resist him any longer. After all, who could say no to those big blue eyes and this handsome face? You heaved a sigh, before saying, "Fine. But please stop looking at me like that!" He grinned at you, then quickly pecked your cheek, catching you by surprise. "I love you, (y/n)." He made your heart race again, giving you the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach. That was something only he could give you and you absolutely loved it.

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