Sometimes we struggle moving on to the days where our fears are gone.

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"(y/n), please open the door." You could hear Kaito's pleading voice from the other side of your door. Since more than five minutes he was already waiting, hoping you would finally talk to him. He was really worried, because you spend the last three days locked up in your room. You avoided everyone and just wanted to be alone. The last few days you became aware of the fact that you loved the blonde idol more than you ever thought. Now, where it was over and you knew that the both of you won't get back together, it was hurting more than ever. You started to second guess yourself and sometimes you really hated that you had listened to Ryouta. Sure, the young photographer just wanted the best for you. But why were you suffering so much? "Why are you avoiding us? We're all really worried about you. Please talk to me." With the pillow hugged to your chest, you sat on your windowsill and stared outside, watching the world, which was covered in a beautiful white. A sigh slipped from your lips, before you turned your head towards your door. "Please, (y/n). I'm begging you to talk to me." Eventually you brought you feet back to the floor and stood up. Throwing the pillow on your bed, you made your way towards the door. Hesitantly you unlocked your door and opened it a crack. Instantly a sigh of relief escaped the blue haired male's lips and a small smile found its way onto his lips. "Finally." He looked at you, but you were just staring down, avoiding every possible eye contact. "Can I come in?", he asked carefully, hoping you won't slam the door right in front of his face. Without a word you turned around and went to your bed to sit down. Kaito took this as a sign to follow you and quickly he stepped into your room, before closing the door again. He sat himself down on the chair at your desk and then his gaze wandered back to you. "Will you tell me what's wrong?" Silence. You kept your gaze down as your lips remained sealed. Another sigh slipped from his lips. "I can see that something's bothering you. So why don't you want to talk about it? I want to help you, because I hate to see you like this." For a brief moment you raised your head and met his gaze. You opened your mouth, but still no word came out. "Is it because of Len again?" You could do nothing more but to nod faintly. "What has he done this time?" Finally you found your voice again. "Nothing... he has done nothing." "What is it then?" Your fingers clenched to fists and slowly tears welled up in your eyes. "I... I told him that there won't no longer be a chance of us getting together. I have end it forever." He gasped and his eyes went wide. "Why?" "Because it's for the better! He'll just hurt me again!", you cried out as you pressed your eyelids together, tears falling down. "(y/n)..." Rising from his seat, he wanted to walk to you to comfort you. However, he stopped in his tracks as you once more cried out. "S-stop! Stay there!" You didn't want him to comfort you. It was you, who made this decision. After all, you ended this and you were in no right to get comforted by one of your friends. You had to stay strong, you had to handle this pain on your own.

Quickly you wiped your tears away and a shaky breath escaped your lips. "I-I'm fine.", you choked out, but for the ice cream lover it was easy to see, that you were far away from being fine. Nonetheless he sat himself down again and involuntary his gaze landed on your desk. He noticed the music sheets and curiously his eyes scanned them. "Lie?", he wondered out loud. Turning to you again, he cocked his head to one side. "Is this the new song?" You took a deep breath to calm yourself down again, before meeting his gaze. "H-hai, I finished it yesterday." The blue haired Vocaloid grabbed the sheets and read the lyrics. Silently you watched him and secretly you were grateful that he was now talking about the new song and no longer about Len and you. As he finished reading it, his eyes found yours again and he flashed you a smile. "You did great on this, (y/n)." "You really think so?" "Hai! I'm sure our fans will love it. Have you already decided who'll sing it?" "I thought Luka would be perfect." "Then you should ask her, if she'd like to try it.", he said and earned a nod from you. "I will, but first I have to see if everything's harmonizing together, the text and the melody and everything." He nodded and placed the music sheets back on your desk. Then he stood up and went to you. Placing his hand on top of your head, he smiled down at you. "She'd sure be happy. And (y/n)?" "Mhm?" "Don't you dare to lock yourself up in your room again." Now a smirk settled on his face. "Otherwise I'll break open your door, understood?" You heaved a sigh, but eventually smiled. "Understood." He ruffled your hair in a gentle manner. "Remember, you can always talk to me and I'll help you. You don't have to stand this through on your own. You're not alone." "I know. Arigato, Kaito." "But when you know this, why did you avoid me and everyone else?" He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for your answer. "Because I don't wanna bother anyone of you with my stupid little problems." Suddenly he groaned, before plopping down beside you. In the next moment he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a lovingly hug. "Stop talking such nonsense. We're like a family. Your problems are our problems as well. So rely on us more, okay? We all want you to be happy, so let us help you." You wrapped your arms around him as well as a small smile played on your lips. "Thank you so much, Kaito. I really don't know what I would do without you and the others." Yes, you really should rely on your friends more.

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