The reason why we can't let go of someone is because we still have hope.

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"For the truth is; I can't love nobody else but you." Len's words still echoed in your head as you were lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Grabbing the pillow next to you, you hugged it to your chest and released a deep breath. "Why it's so hard to move on?" You turned to the side, closing your eyes. "Stupid heart.", you mumbled to yourself as suddenly your phone vibrated. Opening your eyes again, you grabbed it from your nightstand and unlocked it, seeing that you received a mail.

From: Manager
I just received the information that Len's photo shoot and interview for the magazine will be tomorrow instead of next week. Please, let him know and I want you to accompany him. Meeting point is 10 a.m. at the photo studio. I won't be there, because I have other things to do. But I'm sure you two will do just fine. I'm counting on you, (y/n).

"S-seriously?!" Stunned you looked at the message as you read it over and over again, not believing what the manager was asking you to do. Of course it was your job, but somehow you didn't feel ready for that. Staying by the Vocaloid's side the whole time? Being alone with him? Making sure that he's okay? Oh, no. Your heart couldn't handle this yet.
Eventually heaving a sigh, you sat up and dial in the manager's number, calling him. After just a few seconds you already heard his voice. "(y/n), did you receive my message?" "Hai. That's why I'm calling you. Do you think that it's possible that someone else could accompany Len?" "Why?" You bit onto your lip, trying to came up with any excuse. "Ano... because... well, I", you fell silent as you heard him sighing. "Is it because what happened between the both of you?" At first you hesitated, but then you finally admit it. "H-hai." And once more he sighed. "Listen, (y/n). I don't know what is going on between the both of you, but I expect from you and Len that it doesn't interfere with your work. It's important that you both seperate your personal and work life." You hang your head. "Hai. I understand." "I know you can do this." A quiet sigh slipped from your lips as you had to accept that there was no way around. You had to full fill your job, no matter if you want it or not. "You can count on me. And I'm sorry for bothering you with my stupid problems. I know you're actually really busy." "(y/n), my dear. You're never bothering me. So good luck for tomorrow." "Domo arigato." And with that said, you hang up, before tossing your phone on your bed. "This way I'll never be able to move on." Reluctantly you stood up and made you way towards your door, leaving your room. Slowly you dragged yourself to the blonde's room, absolutely not ready to talk to him now. Reaching the door, you hesitated and sighed. "Here we go..." You knocked against the wood, right afterwards hearing his voice. "Come in." Pushing the handle down, you opened the door and stepped into your former room, seeing the young idol sitting on his bed. Turning his head, Len's eyes widened as he was quite surprise to see you standing there. "(y/n)?" Your gaze wandered around the room, noticing that it still looks the same. "Wow, you really haven't change anything." He stood up and quickly walked to you, placing himself in front of you. "Well, everything remembers me of you and our time together. Things, which I don't wanna forget. So why should I change anything?" Your heartbeat quicken and somehow your cheeks felt so warm all of a sudden. "Unbelievable. After everything he's still able to make me feel this way."

Quickly you avoided his gaze, staring at the floor as you wrapped your arms around yourself. "A-anyway, I'm just here to let you know that your photo shoot and interview will be tomorrow instead of next week." "Oh, alright." "We'll meet up at 9 a.m. at the front door." He raised an eyebrow. "We?" "The manager asked me to accompany you. So... yes, we." A smile formed itself on his lips, knowing that he was able to spend some time with you. "That's great." You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, then turned around. "Make sure you're on time." "No, don't leave.", he thought as his hand reached out to you. However, he stopped himself before he could touch you, knowing that you would just ran away again. You grabbed the door handle, but before you could leave, he called out to you. "(y/n), wait." Heaving a sigh, you looked over your shoulder. Your lips remained sealed as you waited for the blonde to continue. "Could you stay a bit, please?" Your eyes narrowed at his selfish request. "Why should I?", you asked coldly, ignoring your irregular heartbeat and all your feelings. "Because I miss you... because I miss us." Averting your gaze, you turned towards him again. "There is no 'us' anymore and there will never be a 'us' ever again. You had your chance and you totally screwed it up." Your gaze locked with his. "It's finally time to give up on me, because I already gave up on you." "Don't lie to me, (y/n). You already forgot what happened just a few hours ago? That you were about to kiss me?" "Of course I didn't forget it." You turned your head to the side, crossing your arms above your chest. "I absolutely have no idea what you're talking about. Anyhow, I have other things to do now. Better things." And with that said, you turned around once more and opened the door. "Kagamine-san, I'll see you tomorrow." You left his room, shutting the door behind you. The blonde idol could only stare at his door, stunned by the way you talked and acted towards him. Somehow he got a strange feeling. A feeling, he didn't want to feel, but there was no way to ignore it. "Why does it suddenly feel like this is really the end of us?" Making his way towards his bed again, he plopped down with a sigh. His gaze drifted towards his nightstand and carefully he grabbed the photo frame, which was standing on it. His blue eyes were fixed on the photo of the both of you as he asked himself, "Do I really have to give up on you, (y/n)?"

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