All aboard the Pirate crew

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*****Here chapter 6. Summer vacation is great since it's coming up I have loads less hw so I can write and listen to music and a bunch of other stuff. Pic on side is Akemi. Also I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. Also to that also sorry about my inexperienced writing. I know I'm using 'but' and 'and' too much but(SSEEEE?) I can't help myself. It just ends up like that. Hope you like my story and don't kick my butt for using but so much(again, sorry about my horrible pun. My brother recently decided becoming a stand up comedian with a lot of bad puns is his future career. I'm starting to pick up his horrible punning.*****

Akemi's POV

After Naruto beat the crap out of the pedophile, Mizuki, and I was forcibly brought to the hospital to stop my bleeding. I learned what the demon possessing Naruto is and am planning to investigate it more thoroughly since it seems like everyone know what it is but me. Naruto and Iruka had this whole little cute not- the actual-father-but still close enough-father-son-scene. Naruto got his headband in the end and(<< I'm sorry TToTT) became a ninja. He felt sorry I didn't pass also at least he did before a confused Iruka told him I passed with flying colors. He was really angry at me for lying but(<<<) forgave me because he knew I did it to not hurt his feelings. A couple days passed before orientation, Naruto had a play-date with some kid named Konahamaru who had a huge I'm-living-in-my-grandfather's/parent's-shadow complex. I didn't hang out with them but Naruto came home with a lot of bruises that day so I'm not even going to bother asking what happened. My wound had finally fully healed. I spent my days secretly borrowing*cough*stealing*cough* scrolls from the library. The justus I found on the scrolls could help me later on in my travels. I didn't steal any super important or classified scrolls so no harm no foul. I did try to escape a couple times. It turns out the adult ninjas are rotating who's watching me. It's been yoga man's(Gai, in case you forgot) turn for the past couple days so I've been staying in the village for the time being. *Shiver* Imagine what would happen if he caught me. And I don't think "the spirit of youth" trick is going to work again. The orientation for my class is going to be tomorrow. I still haven't worn the headband. Naruto keeps pressing me to wear it since I'm a 'ninja' now. My day went by normally, I 'went' to the library, studied, ate some dinner; meaning onigri, I still couldn't use chopsticks, of course Naruto doesn't know that he just thinks I like onigri so he keeps buying it for me when he goes out to buy dinner for us but I don't plan on telling him anytime soon. I don't like people knowing my weaknesses. We both went to bed. Naruto finally convinced me to sleep near his house. I slept in the tree next to his house. I don't like sleeping inside.

I woke up to Pirate-man's face in my eyes. I screamed almost falling out of the tree. "What do you want Pirate?" He hasn't been checking up on me in a while.

"I was accompanying Gai this morning while he had duty. Just making sure you go to school today." I jumped off the tree and started heading to the academy because I knew he was getting me there forced or not and I would like to not be forcibly dragged through the classroom yet again. "Where's your headband?" He examined me.

"In my bag."

"Give it to me." I reached in my bag and gave it to him not caring what he did with it since I didn't want it. All of a sudden he pulled me towards him. He held onto my arm firmly.

"Hey what are doing? Let go. Are you finally admitting your a sexual harasser? Hey! Let go!" He ignored me and pulled my bangs up. He placed the headband on the top of my head covering my bangs and then pulled parts of my hair to the sides of my face, lastly he pulled some of my hair in the back into a ponytail. I finally pulled away. "What was that for? What did you to my hair?" He looked at me approvingly and then smiled.

"You got that headband because you passed. You should wear it." Then just to piss me off more, he pinched my cheeks. "You look very adorable." My cheeks turned red. I hope he thinks that's from his pinching. Its bad enough my class knew about my blushing problem, I don't need more people knowing. "Oh, that's a nice shade of red. See even you can be cute sometimes."

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