Heroes don't always save the day

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***I SUCK AT GOLF. I tried mini golf for the first time and guess what happens? I accidentally let go of my golf stick thing when I swung and hit some random guy in the back of the head with it. I suck at all forms of golf. Any who chapter 32 has arrived. I DON'T OWN NARUTO. This chapter is dedicated to TheStarThatFell. Um not really sure what else to put here. I'll be busy with school and stuff so updates aren't going to come for a while after this and the next chapter. ***


"Akemi." Someone was shaking me. "Akemi." I rolled over forgetting I was in a tree.

My eyes snapped open as I fell. "Ah!" I was going to land on my feet but I saw Naruto below me so I decided to be lazy and fall into his arms. Naruto guessing what I was planning widened his eyes, frantically moving where he thought I would fall. Luckily when I fell he guessed right. I fell into Naruto's arms then I looked up to see Pirate waving up from where I previously was. I scowled extremely annoyed at him. "Pirate you suck so much right now. You're worse than an alarm clock." I looked around to see Sakura around but I didn't. "Where's Sakura?" Pirate ignored my question narrowing his one visible eye.

"Akemi?" I turned towards him waiting for him to ask his question. "Have you been crying?" I blushed immediately. My hands shot up to my face. I felt my eyes were puffy. I gasped. I covered my eyes entirely with both my hands then smiled like there was nothing wrong.

"What are you talking, Pirate?" I still had my eyes covered. I swear I could almost feel him raising an eyebrow at my behavior. I could also feel Naruto's eyes on me.

"Akemi, you were crying?" He sounded concerned. I shook my head rapidly, still covering my eyes, trying to switch the topic.

"So is there a reason why you guys decided to spook me at whatever o' clock in the morning? I know Pirate does this on occasions to annoy me but you, Naruto?" Naruto let me down. I heard him rubbing the back of his head then talk seriously.

"Sasuke's run away. We're going to rescue Sasuke. Granny Tsunade called me and you to her office." I pulled my hands away from my eyes ignoring Pirate's pointed look at my eyes. I stared at him.

"How do you know?" Pirate piped up this time.

"Two jonins found Sakura in the park this morning and she told them." I nodded my head taking in the information. We walked calmly to Tsunade's office. I guess my ban into her building has been held off temporarily. By the time we got there my eyes were normal again. We walked into her office to see Neji, Kiba, Shika, and Choji waiting there already. I walked next to Shika. Tsunade looked very serious. She wasn't accepting any funny business. She debriefed us about our mission. Shika was team captain of the mission as the only Chunin next to me on the mission. Because of a shortage of ninja she could only call on us. I stood there quietly thinking everything through. I raised my hand feeling like I had to be serious or Tsunade would throw me out or a throw a desk at me again. She nodded her head for me to talk.

"I need to stay in Konoha for part of the mission." Everyone looks at me in disbelief. "I have something that you guys'll need later on in this mission." I waited until Tsunade nodded. I kissed Shika on the cheek smiling slightly, "Try not to die 'till I get there." 

He sighed then said the usual. "Love you too."

Then I turned to the rest of the guys. "Good luck guys. I'll meet you there soon." They nodded their head looking at me questioningly about what I'm staying back for but their attention didn't stay on me for long before they turned back to Shika and Tsunade who were debriefing everyone on what their tasks were. I silently slipped out of the room. I quickly got to Mr. Harada's shop. I walked in with a serious face. "Mr. Harada." He was finishing talking with a customer. He frowned because I was interrupting his sale. "We need to finish that today. I need it." He took my serious face in and nodded. He finished his sale and then switched the open sign to a closed sign. He briskly walked into the back with me following. He and I pulled out the equipment to finish it.

~Naruto Fanfic~ What is wrong with these freaks from Hell *cough* I mean KonohaWhere stories live. Discover now