Kidnapping grandpas since last Fall

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*****Here is chapter 19. I DON'T OWN NARUTO. Did anyone know it apparently is physically impossible to drown your brothers in a hotel toilet but that you can shove him in the dog's kennel until he shuts up? No? Well my brothers have learned. I've also learned that too much sugar for my brothers equal annoying idiots for hours. Side pic is Akemi during the last round of the Exams. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I dedicate this chapter to esmeralda62198. Her profile pic is so adorable. And I'm not eating a pop tart while writing this. Sorry.*****



As my first good deed as a Konoha citizen I rescued poor Yammy with the same thing I did for Tora. Gramps mentioned Yammy's funeral in a suspicious tone a week later. Weeks passed since I finally decided to stay in the village. Sakura almost literally crushed me from hugging me so much when I told her. I casually mentioned it to Gramps when he asked why I haven't been running away; he hugged me too. I mean it, he got out from behind his desk and came up and hugged me along with Kono, Moegi, and Udon who were watching me train. I now wear my ninja headband around my neck like Hinata does everyday sometimes I switch to it around my waist. I didn't exactly love the blue so I tried dying my headband black with some paint but it didn't end out well. My headband is kinda completely black including the metal part but on the bright side it look really bad ass.

I haven't really seen anyone else much since then, Pirate is off hibernating with Sasuke on a mountain. Naruto is in the hospital because he passed out from exhaustion from all his training. I got Hinata to go there for me to check on him. Neji is off 'youthfully' training with Yoga man. Shino told me that he was going to train with his dad. And I've kind of been avoiding Shika lately, I feel weird around him. I sometimes find myself just staring at him for no reason and I can always seem to spot where he is. Sometimes I see him staring at me also but he usually snaps his head away blushing when he sees me looking at him. When I'm around him my heart rate quickens, my breathing comes in quick and fast, and I feel like my face is on fire. I don't know what is wrong with me lately. I thought I was sick but it's only around Shika that I start feeling so weird. I'm afraid my hearts going to burst if it beats any quicker, I feel like I'm going to die if I'm around Shika too much. I can still hold a normal conversation but I feel weird sometimes when I just looked at him but it's been getting worse and worse each day. I've been trying to stay away from him until I can figure out what's wrong with me.

So here I am just sitting on the roof staring at the moon trying to figure out what I'm going to do about my problem. I'm pretty sure Shika is starting to figure out I'm avoiding him. I was really in deep thought about what I was going to do until I felt a huge amount blood lust that I know. I quickly got to wherever I was feeling it at to see a familiar red head about to literally kill that Sound guy from the Forest of Death. "Gaara!" After I called out to him he stopped attacking that sound guy and turned towards me. He had murder written in his eyes, he looked really tired and like he was trying to hold back whatever was making him blood thirsty. While he was distracted with me the Sound guy took his chance and scrambled away desperately from the building tops.

"Go away." Gaara's voice sounded strained. He was starting to sweat and his eyes were becoming unfocused. I knew from his aura that the tailed beast in him was leaking out and influencing him. I've been reading up lately what's in Naruto and Gaara so I could help if needed.

"What's wrong?" I asked really concerned. I took a step towards him but he yelled at me.

"Stop! Don't come any closer or I'll have to kill you." He was down on one knee now straining to keep his demon in. He sounded so frantic and in pain. I didn't want to see him suffering all by himself so I came over to him and grabbed his hands in mine looking into his eyes; silently communicating to him to calm down. He seemed to try to back away from the intensity of my gaze. Through gritted teeth he commanded, "Let go."

~Naruto Fanfic~ What is wrong with these freaks from Hell *cough* I mean KonohaWhere stories live. Discover now