***BONUS CHAPTER: My daring escape***

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*****This isn't a chapter chapter, it's a filler. Like a break from my story. This chapter is about one of Akemi's more memorable plans, although all of her plans are unique in their own way. The vague summary is about Akemi's scheme to run yet again but she ends up meeting a bunch of people instead of actually escaping. This filler might be longer than my regular chapters. Time line is around the time of their missions after Tazuna, before the a Chunin Exams. I hope you like this chapter. Side pic is a scrapbook.******

**EDIT: Photobucket is too annoying to figure out. Here's a picture of child Akemi napping**

-this is dedicated to ieatbitches4dinner. She died from awesomeness. May she rest in peace-


I was just sitting in front of Naruto's front door bored out of my mind. Apparently Asuma got sick so some scar-faced creep was babysitting in his place for the next couple days. It might be because I dumped a bucket of cold water on top of Asuma's head to unlight his cigarette, now I do admit I might have went a little far just to stop him from smoking that one time. Anyway his replacement's name was Ibiki (I think). He's this huge, tall guy in only gray and black with a bluish bandanna with the leaf sign around his head. He also has slashes running along his face. When we stand next to each other it looks so weird, I'm barely make it past half of him. It was around 9 in the morning. I thought since he was a sub he'ld be pathetic and I could get away but he's pretty decent. I also back-sass him almost as much as I do with Pirate. He has a short temper like me, so we've been physically and verbally battling each other all morning. We've already had three battles and the only reason we're not in another one is because I'm not stupid. Obviously brute force isn't going to work so I'm sitting in front of Naruto's apartment thinking of a plan. Naruto went out sometime this morning to hang out with the team, he offered for me to go but I was in my second battle with Ibiki at that time so he didn't really try to interrupt me. Ibiki right now is on the ground next to me sweating. "You're not a bad fighter, Brat."

"It's Akemi." I growled. He refuses to call me by my name. Man, is this karma or what? I'm always calling Pirate 'Pirate' not his real name and now its happening to me. It is so aggravating. I'm still going to keep calling him Pirate though now that I know how annoying it can get. I sat there for 20 minutes forming a plan until I got it. It was one of my greatest plans yet. I got up searching for the key to the apartment. Ibiki was watching me in case I ran again. I was having a hard time finding my key since I hardly ever use it since I only stay in the apartment when it's time to eat and Naruto is there then. After 10 more minutes of searching I found it I unlocked the door to go in then stopped to block Ibiki from coming in. "I have to go to the bathroom. Unless you don't value your life or love me so much you'll die without me I suggest you don't try following me there. Besides you look like a freaking pedophile when you stand next to me. If the neighbors see they might think your raping me and call the police on you." He scowled at me for insulting him.

I went into the 'room' which had my bag of necessities in it then headed for the bathroom making sure Ibiki didn't see me in my room before. Coast clear, I went into the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it. I formed the hand signs, "Shadow Clone Jutsu." I whispered in case he was listening. A solid clone of myself stood in front of me. Her name's Mimi. I like to name my clones, they have their own thoughts so why not give them names. Next I made another combination of hand sign, "Transform." A cloud of smoke came around me after it disappeared I had to look up to see Mimi's face. I transformed into myself when I was seven. I had shoulder length of my black hair with a white top and black dress that goes to my knees and black combat boots. My plan was to sneak out ninja style while my clone distracted Ibiki until I was gone. I can't believe all this time I was training as a ninja I never thought to actually use my ninja skills to escape. I'm smart, right? I looked to Mimi to tell her I'm ready. Mimi silently nodded that she was going to go. She walked out of the bathroom, slamming the door really hard to signal that it was okay to go. I heard talking on the other side of the door but ignored it. There was a window in the bathroom, since I'm now even shorter than before I had to stand on the toilet to climb out of the window. I sneaked around until I couldn't see Naruto's apartment anymore. Then I started walking normally again.

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