Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!

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****Here's chapter 14. Thanks for all the feedback, I'll be using that info later on. Sorry if you were expecting the kiss right away. This chapter is dedicated to sweetdreams705 because I like her stories, she seems funny, and I LOVE her profile picture. Also this is to alphaanimegirl about her getting a ninja animal, I got her one. Side pic is the tiger. Another side note: Akemi's favorite curse word is damn (just in case you didn't notice). Anyway enjoy the chapter.**** 


My team and I were at the place Pirate told us the second part of the exams were. I was talking with Shika and Kiba at the moment. I had already wished every one luck for the second part of the exams. We stood in front of a giant forest with a high metal fence and a danger sign which does not encourage bravery among us who are going in there probably. There stood Anko upfront next to a wooden table with other examiners. "Welcome to the second stage of the Chunin Exams, Training Ground 44. Also known as the Forest of Death." She smiled arrogantly at the end of her introduction. Naruto mock copied her causing her to flick a kunai at him. If I hadn't caught it he would've got cut. 

"No, no, no, hey Lady no cutting my team mate. If you want to kill someone, go kill Glasses over there." I pointed over to Kabuto with his team. He looked over at me in annoyance. Anko turned towards me then smiled? I thought she would try to hit me kunais also but instead she smiled? 

"Ha ha, I remember you kid. Your the one that threw Ibiki out the window. I like you. Hope you don't die there. But watch out for your partner there, jokers like him are always killed early in the game." She said the last part darkly. Naruto shrunk down in his stance slightly frightened while Sasuke called him an idiot under his breathe. 

"Um, thanks? I will. Your an interesting person yourself." At that she smirked. This woman is definitely interesting. I think having a conversation with her would be fun. 

"Before we start though I got a form for you all." She handed out a paper to everyone from her huge stack of papers. "These are the standard consent forms. Read them then sign it." 

"What for?" Ever clueless Naruto asked. 

"Some of you may not come back alive after this test and I need your consent that you'll take that risk, otherwise I'd be held responsible for your death." She explained like we were talking about tea. Yep, interesting woman. "I'll be explaining the second part and then you can decide whether to sign or not. Afterword each team will check in that booth behind me." Pointing to said orange booth. "This test will be the ultimate survival test. First Training Ground 44 has 44 locked gates. Forests, a river, and a tower in the center. The distance between the gates and the tower should be 10 km. During the time in here, you will be asked to complete a certain task. Using your many weapons and Justus you will participate in a no rules scroll battle." 

"Scroll?" Someone asked about. 

"Yes, you will fight to get two scrolls. The Heaven and Earth scroll. There are 79 candidates here now, meaning 26 teams. Half will get the Heaven scroll while the other half get the Earth scroll, to pass your team needs both scrolls. Once your teams has both scrolls you have to get to the tower in the center but there's a time limit. The test lasts only 120 hours, exactly five days total." 

"Five days!?" Ino yelled. 

"What about food!!!???" Choji questioned. 

"Your on your own." Thank God I decided to take my pack with me. It has all the necessities to survive, water, my sword, medical kit, and some food. I've lived outside for five years now I can survive anywhere. "The forest is full of food. Just watch out for the man eating beasts, and poisonous insects and plants. As the days go on the distance to the goal will become farther and resting time will shorten. The area is also crawling with enemies. Thirteen teams passing is highly unlikely." She smiled sadistically at what she said next. "So not only will some fail by losing the scroll but some will die from the harshness of the course itself. Now I'll tell you what will get you disqualified. First, those who don't make it to the tower with both scrolls within the time limit are disqualified. Second, those whose don't have their full team are disqualified. As a rule there is no quitting in the middle. As another you aren't allowed to open the scrolls until you make it to the tower." 

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